
Single Spectral Image Super-Resolution Datasets

Dataset Description Download Link
CAVE Collected using VariSpec Liquid Crystal Tunable Filter and CCD camera (Apogee Alta U260). Comprises 32 spectral images of everyday objects (e.g., statues, food) captured at 10nm wavelength intervals in the range of 400-700nm, with a resolution of 512×512×31. Link
Harvard Captured using the Nuance FX spectral camera with tunable filters, containing 50 real-world indoor and outdoor images with 31 channels spaced 10nm apart in the range of 420-720nm. Spatial resolution is 1392×1040. Link
ICVL Captured using the Specim PS Kappa DX4 spectral camera, including scenes from 203 urban (residential/commercial), suburban, rural, indoor, and plant environments. Original images have 519 channels in the range of 400-1000nm and spatial resolution of 1392×1300. Commonly used data consists of 31 channels spaced approximately 10nm apart from 400-700nm. Link
NUS Captured using the Specim PFD-CL-65-V10E spectral camera, comprising 64 scenes. Original images cover the range of 400-1000nm, while commonly used data includes 31 channels in the range of 400-700nm. Link
Botswana Captured by the Hyperion sensor on the Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite, with 242 spectral channels covering the range of 400-2500nm at a spectral resolution of 10nm. Spatial dimensions are 1496×256. Link
Chikusei Captured by the Headwall Hyperspec-VNIR-C imaging sensor in agricultural and urban areas in Chikusei, Japan. Comprises 128 spectral bands in the range of 363-1018nm. Spatial dimensions are 2517×2335 pixels, with a geometric resolution of 2.5×2.5m2 per pixel. Link
Pavia University Captured above the University of Pavia, Italy, with the ROSIS airborne sensor in 2003, including 610×340 pixels and 115 spectral channels. Link
Pavia Center Description Link
Urban Description Link
Washington DC Description Link
Indians Pines Description Link
Foster Description Link
Hoston Description Link
UCMERCED Description Link

Fusion-based Spectral Image Super-Resolution Datasets

Dataset Description Download Link
QuickBird Captured by the QuickBird satellite, includes low-resolution multispectral images and panchromatic images. Spatial resolutions for low-resolution multispectral and panchromatic images are 2.44m and 0.61m, respectively. The multispectral image has four channels: R, G, B, NIR. Link
HypSen Comprises 30m resolution hyperspectral images captured by the Hyperion sensor on the Earth Observing-1 satellite and 10m resolution multispectral images captured by the Sentinel-2A satellite. After noise and water absorption band removal, the low-resolution hyperspectral image has 84 spectral channels, while the high-resolution multispectral image contains 13 spectral channels. Link
AVIRIS Cuprite Collected by NASA's Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) over the Cuprite mining district in Nevada, includes four images with dimensions 512×512×224 and a spectral range from 370nm to 2500nm. Link

Method list and code link

Method Scene Base Framework Supervision Paradigm Publication Venue Code Link
3D-FCNN (Mei et al., 2017) SpaSR CNN Supervised RS
SDCNN (Li et al., 2017) SpaSR CNN Supervised NC
1D2DCNN (Li et al., 2019) SpaSR CNN Supervised RS
IDN (Hu et al., 2019) SpaSR CNN Supervised RS
MW-3D-CNN (Yang et al., 2019) SpaSR CNN Supervised RS
DFMF (Xie et al., 2019) SpaSR CNN Supervised TGRS
RIFN (Hu et al., 2020) SpaSR CNN Supervised TGRS
3DASRGAN (Dou et al., 2020) SpaSR GAN Supervised RS
MCNet (Li et al., 2020c) SpaSR CNN Supervised RS Link
SSPSR (Jiang et al., 2020) SpaSR CNN Supervised TGRS Link
SFCSR (Wang et al., 2020a) SpaSR CNN Supervised TIE Link
UCNN (Lu et al., 2021) SpaSR CNN Supervised RS
MMCA (Magid et al., 2021) SpaSR CNN Supervised ICCV
SGARDN (Liu et al., 2021) SpaSR CNN Supervised TGRS
Bi3DQRNN (Fu et al., 2021) SpaSR CNN Supervised JSTARS Link
INR (Zhang et al., 2022a) SpaSR CNN Supervised TGRS
RFSR (Wang et al., 2022) SpaSR CNN Supervised TGRS
DualSR (Li et al., 2022c) SpaSR CNN Supervised TIP Link
SRAGAN (Li et al., 2021b) SpaSR GAN Supervised TGRS
LE-GAN (Shi et al., 2022) SpaSR CNN Supervised TGRS
DSSTSR (Long et al., 2023) SpaSR Transformer Supervised TGRS
HSCNN (Xiong et al., 2017) SpeSR CNN Supervised ICCVW
GANSSR (Lore et al., 2019) SpeSR GAN Supervised CVPRW
AWAN (Li et al., 2020a) SpeSR CNN Supervised CVPRW Link
PDFN (Zhang et al., 2020a) SpeSR CNN Supervised AAAI
SSRAN (Zheng et al., 2021c) SpeSR CNN Supervised TGRS
DAGDN (Zhu et al., 2021a) SpeSR DUN Supervised TCI Link
SEN (Zhu et al., 2021b) SpeSR CNN Unsupervised ICCV Link
HSACS (Li et al., 2021a) SpeSR CNN Supervised TNNLS
SSRN-IPH (Hang et al., 2021) SpeSR CNN Supervised TIP
SSN (Fu et al., 2022) SpeSR CNN Supervised TPAMI
DRCRNet (Li et al., 2022a) SpeSR CNN Supervised CVPRW Link
PoNet (He et al., 2022) SpeSR DUN Supervised IF
MST++ (Cai et al., 2022) SpeSR Transformer Supervised CVPRW Link
MFormer (Li et al., 2023b) SpeSR Transformer Unsupervised TGRS
HPRN (Wu et al., 2023) SpeSR CNN Supervised TNNLS Link
CTJN (Du et al., 2023) SpeSR CNN&Transformer Supervised TGRS
SSFAN (Liu et al., 2023) SpeSR GAN Supervised JSTARS
SSJSR (Mei et al., 2020) SSSR CNN Supervised TGRS
US3RN (Ma et al., 2021) SSSR DUN Supervised TIP Link
SSFIN (Ma et al., 2022) SSSR CNN Supervised TCI Link
PNN (Masi et al., 2016) PS CNN Supervised RS
PanNet (Yang et al., 2017) PS CNN Supervised ICCV
MSDCNN (Yuan et al., 2018) PS CNN Supervised TGRS
PanGAN (Ma et al., 2020) PS GAN Unsupervised IF Link
SSConv (Wang et al., 2021) PS CNN Supervised ACM MM Link
GPPNN (Xu et al., 2021) PS DUN Supervised CVPR Link
HyperKite (Bandara et al., 2021) PS CNN Supervised TGRS Link
PanCSC-Net (Cao et al., 2021) PS DUN Supervised TGRS
HyperTransformer (Bandara et al., 2022) PS Transformer Supervised CVPR Link
Proximal PanNet (Cao et al., 2022) PS DUN Supervised AAAI
panformer (Zhou et al., 2022a) PS Transformer Supervised AAAI Link
DIIB (Gao et al., 2022) PS CNN Unsupervised CVPRW
MDCUN (Yang et al., 2022) PS DUN Supervised CVPR Link
MutInf (Zhou et al., 2022b) PS CNN Supervised CVPR Link
LHFnet (Zhou et al., 2022c) PS CNN Supervised ACM MM Link
DR-NET (Xu et al., 2022) PS Transformer Supervised TGRS
PanViT (Meng et al., 2022) PS Transformer Supervised TGRS
SFINet (Zhou et al., 2022d) PS CNN Supervised ECCV Link
UPanGAN (Xu et al., 2023) PS GAN Unsupervised IF
iGDANet (Qu et al., 2023) PS DUN Unsupervised TCYB
uSDN (Qu et al., 2018) MHF CNN Unsupervised CVPR Link
DBIN (Wang et al., 2019) MHF CNN Supervised ICCV
HSRG (Fu et al., 2019) MHF CNN Unsupervised CVPR
CUCaNet (Yao et al., 2020) MHF CNN Unsupervised ECCV Link
FusionNet (Wang et al., 2020b) MHF CNN Unsupervised TIP
UAL (Zhang et al., 2020b) MHF CNN Unsupervised CVPR Link
DBSR (Zhang et al., 2020c) MHF CNN Unsupervised TNNLS
u2-MDN (Qu et al., 2021) MHF CNN Unsupervised TGRS Link
PZRes-Net (Zhu et al., 2020) MHF CNN Supervised TIP Link
MHF-Net (Xie et al., 2020) MHF DUN Supervised TPAMI Link
HyCoNet (Zheng et al., 20201b) MHF CNN Unsupervised TGRS Link
NonRegSRNet (Zheng et al., 2021c) MHF CNN Unsupervised TGRS Link
MoG-DCN (Dong et al., 2021) MHF DUN Supervised TIP Link
DEIL (Fu et al., 2022b) MHF CNN Unsupervised TPAMI
S2DMDN (Dong et al., 2022a) MHF DUN Supervised TGRS
UDALN (Li et al., 2022b) MHF CNN Unsupervised GRSL Link
Fusformer (Hu et al., 2022a) MHF Transformer Supervised TGRS Link
GuidedNet (Ran et al., 2023) MHF CNN Supervised TCYB Link
PSRT (Deng et al., 2023) MHF Transformer Supervised TGRS Link
DPLN (Zhang et al., 2023) MHF CNN Unsupervised CAAI TRIT
BUSIFusion (Dong et al., 2023) MHF DUN Unsupervised TCI

How to Use

Provide additional information and instructions on how to download and use the dataset here.