The Mercury messaging toolkit is a new way to handle cross-component communication in the Unity game engine. It integrates seamlessly with the Unity Editor, and is both robust and expandable. It has been tested in Unity 2020 up until 2020.3.21f1, Unity 2019 up until 2019.2.17f1, Unity 2018 up until 2018.3.13f1, Unity 2017 up until 2017.4f1, and 5.6.
The toolkit contains the Mercury messaging framework, which is a messaging and organizational framework built around the Mercury Protocol.
Unity organizes its rendered scene objects (known in Unity as GameObjects) using a standard scene graph (known in Unity as the Scene Hierarchy). While Unity is very powerful, it is fairly difficult to achieve nonspatial communication between scriptable components of GameObjects (in Unity, known as MonoBehaviours) .
Consider a visualization in a basketball game where you connect the ball to each player on a court with individual lines. There will be a control script on each line in the visualization.
Normally, to disable a GameObject in Unity, you invoke the SetActive method. This will disable the GameObject and its children in the scene hierarchy. However, in our example, to disable the entire visualization, you would need to disable the endpoint spheres and the line objects. In a script, you would need to get a handle to the GameObjects, and invoke SetActive on each of them individually.
In this simple example, the Mercury messaging toolkit makes it easy to achieve this.
You first drop an MmRelayNode (MercuryMessaging Relay Node) and an MmResponder (MercuryMessaging Responder) onto each of the related GameObjects in the visualization.
Each MmRelayNode has a MmRoutingTable. In the line's root MmRelayNode, you'll drag and drop the related components: the endpoint-spheres and line.
In your line control script, you invoke the following method:
GetComponent<MmRelayNode>().MmInvoke(MmMethod.SetActive, true,
new MmControlBlock(MmLevelFilterHelper.Default, MmActiveFilter.All,
default(MmSelectedFilter), MmNetworkFilter.Local));
This will trigger a special SetActive message on each of the objects involved in the visualization.
Mercury was presented at CHI 2018. The paper is available online at the ACM Digital Library.
Carmine Elvezio, Mengu Sukan, and Steven Feiner. 2018. Mercury: A Messaging Framework for Modular UI Components. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Paper 588, 12 pages. DOI:
GitHub You can check-out or download the code from GitHub directly. If you downloaded the source from GitHub, please drag and drop the root folder of MercuryMessaging, MercuryMessaging into the Assets folder of your project.
Once you have the toolkit installed, you'll probably want to check out a tutorial.
Please see our tutorials page at the site: MercuryMessaging Tutorials.
Complete Documentation for the toolkit can be found on the toolkit's documentation page.
A. The framework has been tested in Unity 2020 up until 2020.3.21f1, Unity 2019 up until 2019.2.17f1, Unity 2018 up until 2018.3.13f1, Unity 2017 up until 2017.4f1, and 5.6.
The Framework was originally developed using Unity 5.6. The toolkit requires some features that were added in Unity 5. As such, we provide no support for the toolkit in earlier versions of Unity. That said, it may work in other versions of Unity 5, but we're not sure.
A. Unity is a game engine. Please see here: Unity.
A. As much as we like those engines, we originally built the toolkit to support us in our work in our lab, where we use Unity.
A. MercuryMessaging uses a few components of UNET in the framework. Unity is deprecating and removing UNET from Unity post 2019.4 (LTS) and 2018.4.(LTS). We are already transitioning the code away from UNET, but while we are, if you try to use MercuryMessaging in Unity 2019.1.4 and beyond, you may encounter compilation issues. To resolve these, all you need to do is ensure that you have the Multiplayer HLAPI enabled in packages (Unity->Window->Package Manager->Multiplayer HLAPI (Install)).
Funded in part by National Science Foundation Grant IIS-1514429. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.