Discover regulatory relationships for multi-omics data using regression models.

Primary LanguageR

This repository has been migrated to BiostatOmics. Please redirect to the new repository for the latest updates and contributions.


MORE (Multi-Omics REgulation) is an R package for the application of Generalized Linear Models (GLM) with Elastic Net regularization or Partial Least Squares (PLS) to multi-omics data. The MORE method applies GLMs or PLS to model gene expression as a function of experimental variables, such as diseases or treatments, and the potential regulators of a given gene. The aim is to obtain specific candidate regulators for the biological system under study.


Currently, the package can be installed directly from GitHub using the devtools R package:


Before installation, it might be necessary to install the required dependencies:

  • glmnet
  • igraph
  • MASS
  • psych
  • car
  • ltm
  • ropls
  • stringr


You can find the User Guide for the package in the vignettes folder or access it directly here.

MORE can also be run as a Shiny application. In this directory you will find .zip file containing all the required inputs to run it.

You can find more information on how to run MORE as a Shiny app in the User Guide, and also in the following video.