
Project to design and implement a simulation of an OpenFlow network system with a Controller, multiple clients and an MxN grid of routers. All links between routers are assigned an arbritray time and routing is calculated with the famous Dijkstra Algorithm for the shortest path based on these times. App can be run with java -cp tcdlib.jar:. Main (This is the first time ive used GitHub properly so bear with me lol)

Primary LanguageJava


Project to design and implement a simulation of an OpenFlow network system with a Controller, multiple clients and an MxN grid of routers. All links between routers are assigned an arbritrary time and routing is calculated with the famous Dijkstra Algorithm for the shortest path based on these times. App is compiled when in src folder, using java -cp tcdlib.jar:. *.java App can be run then with java -cp tcdlib.jar:. Main