- 0
cant create new accounts
#277 opened by ware32 - 1
- 0
http://localhost:8545 Unable to connect
#275 opened by oooomoooo - 0
- 0
Is this stable code ? Not able to run it .
#272 opened by knagware5 - 0
Upgrade to latest version of GoQuorum
#270 opened by antonydenyer - 0
send-private-txn-java throwing 403 error
#261 opened by rkomaturi2382 - 0
#253 opened by magic-thomas - 0
Unrecognized field "role" (class org.web3j.quorum.methods.response.raft.RaftPeer), not marked as ignorable (6 known properties: "hostname", "nodeActive", "nodeId", "raftPort", "p2pPort", "raftId"]) at [Source: (okio.RealBufferedSource$1); line: 1, column: 283] (through reference chain: org.web3j.quorum.methods.response.raft.RaftPeer["role"]) (through reference chain: org.web3j.quorum.methods.response.raft.RaftCluster["result"])
#251 opened by RockWu1108 - 2
Waiting until all Tessera nodes are running...
#182 opened by jiebanghan - 3
UnixSocketConnector - cannot bind /vagrant/examples/7nodes/qdata/c1/tm.ipc exists=false writable=false Operation not permitted
#215 opened by konbluesky - 1
Raft no mining blocks, geth is running, but like stupid, repeat following log.......
#245 opened by ScottGold - 0
Changes for quorum acceptance tests
#241 opened by SatpalSandhu61 - 1
istanbul-init does not work for variable nodes
#238 opened by mamunbond07 - 1
Unfortunately 7 node example is very static
#239 opened by mamunbond07 - 4
7nodes example with docker-compose
#235 opened by meguimendia - 1
Docker compose persistent data failure
#233 opened by nickmi - 3
docker-compose accounts dismissed
#185 opened by ali-esmaily - 3
unable to find Cakeshop war file using CAKESHOP_JAR envvar, or using $PWD/cakeshop/cakeshop.war
#232 opened - 2
Ensure that Quorum geth is on the PATH
#230 opened by lcs100 - 3
Instantiation of [simple type, class org.web3j.quorum.methods.response.raft.RaftPeer] value failed for JSON property ip due to missing (therefore NULL) value for creator parameter ip which is a non-nullable type
#227 opened by konbluesky - 2
Tessera serverConfigs[2] "cors" property triggers error: CrossDomainConfig is only allowed in ThirdParty server
#212 opened by ctjlewis - 6
run in docker got unhealthy
#211 opened by psaren - 2
Vagrant - 7nodes not working
#195 opened by khatts - 2
constellation-node: error while loading shared libraries:
#157 opened by samanshahmohamadi - 5
docker-compose up -d fails
#192 opened by vinton-dev - 1
- 1
Add license to repo
#184 opened by suranap - 7
Standard loadScript private-contract.js example does not work but public-contract.js is ok
#186 opened by kevinsir - 3
on running command sudo ./ [] Cleaning up temporary data directories [] Configuring node 1 (permissioned) ./ line 15: geth: command not found need help..
#183 opened by sherrygarg - 18
Fatal: Unable to attach to remote geth: dial unix qdata/dd1/geth.ipc: connect: no such file or directory
#130 opened by princesinha19 - 2
Issue updating a struct field
#165 opened by yosrahelal - 2
Docker exec geth attach ipc issue
#163 opened by serverlessnomad - 6
Node 1 is not yet listening on tm.ipc
#164 opened by jiebanghan - 1
- 1
Failed to verify proposal error
#158 opened by EdsonAlcala - 3
Error in compiling quorum
#155 opened by vaibhav-eleven - 4
Step 3 Vagrant Up fails
#152 opened by daxdax89 - 1
How the istanbul genesis extradata generated.
#153 opened by pccr10001 - 5
- 2
make *** [geth] Error 1 in OSx
#151 opened by lrgeoemtry - 1
Raft 7 nodes don't mining block
#150 opened by maojun9 - 3
- 5
- 6
7nodes with docker-compose
#132 opened by CarlosLanderas - 2
[SOLVED] Standard loadScript example does not work
#141 opened by vietlq - 2
How to deploy 7nodes in multiple servers?
#137 opened by coolcode - 1
Tessera transaction managers unhealthy
#135 opened by collins4technology - 0
#131 opened by prateektiwari7 - 1