- 2
Main method not found
#566 opened by vix3m1 - 0
App crashing after installing
#571 opened by BasiDeveloper - 2
Cannot display Unicode symbols
#454 opened by hasanelfalakiy - 0
open app leads to crash on android12
#570 opened by taoyyyyyy - 0
App crashes when changing orientation with `IllegalStateException: Not yet initialized`
#565 opened by Lohita9 - 2
git fails
#567 opened by Ammar-Husain - 2
gemini fails
#568 opened by Ammar-Husain - 1
Will API lv23 supported in future
#538 opened by oong819 - 4
Java String concatenation gives Fatal Error: Unable to find method makeConcatWithConstants
#558 opened by john-black-3k - 1
and it's always like this. how to fix it?
#564 opened by Wjxfi - 3
Unable to change directories or give permissions to change directories on fold 4
#553 opened by Quadraxis77 - 0
IllegalStateException: Not yet initialized when rotating screen from portrait to landscape
#559 opened by john-black-3k - 1
How do I build this?
#524 opened by zielony12 - 2
soft keyboard
#493 opened by hasanelfalakiy - 0
- 0
crash when typing code
#522 opened by hasanelfalakiy - 0
crash when git initialization in new project
#521 opened by hasanelfalakiy - 0
crash when cloning private/public repository
#520 opened by hasanelfalakiy - 0
Some suggestions
#519 opened by zielony12 - 5
chat ai crash
#517 opened by hasanelfalakiy - 2
bottom symbol bar
#516 opened by hasanelfalakiy - 4
still crash: latest action
#512 opened by hasanelfalakiy - 1
After Write Simple Java Code That Code Crash
#511 opened by rajendrarox - 0
- 1
crash when formatting code
#476 opened by hasanelfalakiy - 0
- 5
create a release in f-droid for more popularity
#397 opened by Wjxfi - 0
Create a new release
#398 opened by Wjxfi - 1
- 3
- 1
Take data from User input from scanner class not work (code then click on run button then show this error )
#495 opened by MuhammadImran2 - 1
Wrong string
#482 opened by YGOmod - 2
Can I run Swing programs in Cosmic-IDE?
#491 opened by TheEntropyShard - 2
Results do not appear
#475 opened by hasanelfalakiy - 0
error message in compilation results
#477 opened by hasanelfalakiy - 0
I hope this IDE can be used to edit Android apps.
#478 opened by qin798 - 2
- 0
failed to clone private repository
#466 opened by hasanelfalakiy - 4
- 5
Wrong navbar and statusbar colors
#442 opened by HotarunIchijou - 1
#453 opened by hasanelfalakiy - 1
Failed to find MainKt class
#452 opened by hasanelfalakiy - 2
- 3
[enhancement] a prettier application icon...
#394 opened by Wjxfi - 2
don't forget to do the most important things
#399 opened by Wjxfi - 3
[Bug]: Add External read and write permission
#418 opened by Tanzin01 - 1
Add support for min SDK lv < 26
#363 opened by oong819 - 8
- 2
show the out-of-bounds text
#396 opened by Wjxfi - 4
be a full ide
#361 opened by k88936