- 0
- 0
- 1
Material File's Name with no extension will be regarded as Plain Document upon downloading from Folder
#7438 opened by bivanalhar - 1
Clicking towards any clickable link while on Watch Page of Video renders 404 Error
#7434 opened by bivanalhar - 1
Assignment URL query parameter "step" doesn't open directly to the right step anymore
#7161 opened by pakshuang - 1
Deactivating Group Leaderboard on Course Settings should immediately disable the Group Leaderboard page
#7430 opened by bivanalhar - 1
Forum Question is still marked as Resolved even when all the "Marked as Answer" posts are deleted
#7439 opened by bivanalhar - 1
- 1
- 2
Add (back?) file name for programming question box
#7544 opened by RichDom2185 - 1
- 0
Downloading Survey Result will generate CSV having different results than when seen directly in the app
#7443 opened by bivanalhar - 0
Manually Awarded Achievement creates unwanted behavior when awarded towards Phantom Student
#7435 opened by bivanalhar - 1
Tab Title for the Sorting Method of Leaderboard is not displayed correctly when the page is narrow
#7431 opened by bivanalhar - 0
Uploaded attachments within Rich Text Editor failing with UnsafeRedirectError
#7446 opened by cysjonathan - 0
feat(Codaveri Live Feedback): Allow [Get Help] on all programming questions
#7418 opened by cysjonathan - 1
Posting a comment too long
#7368 opened by cysjonathan - 0
- 0
Course manager/owner cannot fetch course information from other instances when selecting source course (404) returned
#7289 opened by cysjonathan - 2
Bug: Auto-Save Causes Cursor to Return to Start
#7099 opened by jloh02 - 0
Duplication of MCQ/MRQ question without any options creates a new Course::Assessment::Question with a NULL actable id
#7127 opened by cysjonathan - 0
Allow replacement of files with the same name
#6967 opened by joeng03 - 0
Allow downloading of files as a tutor
#6966 opened by joeng03 - 4
Unable to load forum post: Error 500
#6691 opened by Beebeeoii - 1
[Firefox] Cannot set EXP mutiplier
#6436 opened by Nafeij - 0
Let users know which parts of the assignment they have not re-submitted the code after 'Finalise Submission' is pressed for Auto-Graded Assignments
#6632 opened by ZHD1987E - 0
Bug in unittest-xml-reporting Python testing dependency
#6524 opened by Nafeij - 1
- 0
Vim keybindings
#6400 opened by wilsonwid - 1
- 0
Sortable courses and instances table in admin and instance admin panel pages
#5619 opened by ekowidianto - 1
- 0
Create reusable table component
#5693 opened by ekowidianto - 0
Soft-delete and copy-on-write for comments/posts
#6131 opened by cysjonathan - 0
Only last login valid during "exam mode"
#6130 opened by cysjonathan - 0
Allow instructor to control re-grading behaviour when test package is updated
#6129 opened by cysjonathan - 0
Audit of routes
#6128 opened by cysjonathan - 0
- 0
Autograder reporting roadmap
#6126 opened by cysjonathan - 0
Multiple Reference Timelines (Beta 2)
#5694 opened by purfectliterature - 0
Evaluator is timing out after 5min (300s) even though time_limit is specified to be 1000s.
#5877 opened by cysjonathan - 2
Set self-created comment to be read for the creator
#5670 opened by ekowidianto - 0
Add more entities for duplication to be traceable
#5785 opened by bivanalhar - 0
- 0
- 0
Revamp worker server architecture
#5686 opened by cysjonathan - 1
Submission email received in wrong language
#5622 opened by pakshuang - 1
Add an indicator to show that survey question can be re-ordered by dragging
#5581 opened by ekowidianto - 0
- 0
Programming question update redirection
#5580 opened by ekowidianto