- 1
[Bug] No ranged weapons crosshair
#137 opened by nimbXnumb - 1
Question - Possibility to backport to 1.20.1?
#109 opened by AzuryxxVortex - 4
Incompatibility - Cold Sweat
#93 opened by AzuryxxVortex - 0
Compat Suggestion - Quark's Hotbar Swapper
#96 opened by AzuryxxVortex - 0
- 4
Auto HUD crash on startup
#114 opened by BugmanBugman - 4
- 1
Auto HUD moves all UI down roughly 40%
#121 opened by TheGreyRaven - 0
vic's point blank
#124 opened by i0dd254 - 2
- 0
- 0
Suggestion: Allow to hide the item name tooltip on selecting/scrolling to an item in the hot-bar
#128 opened by Dima-369 - 1
Legendary Survival Overhaul Compat
#129 opened by Trollinator316 - 2
Game crashes when openining config
#130 opened by kadincool - 4
crash 1.21.1 neo
#133 opened by Jupitor87 - 1
- 0
[Compatibility] Farmer's Delight Refabricated - Hunger Bar doesn't hide while Nourishment Effect is active
#135 opened by dopemike - 1
[Bug] NullPointerException in ClientPlayNetworkHandler on getScoreboard() with Auto HUD
#136 opened by wling-art - 3
Slot Cycler Incompatibility
#87 opened - 1
[Enhancement] Add compatibility with Bridging Mod
#132 opened by mortifia - 1
Toggle HUD while held doesn't last.
#131 opened by UmbralCosmos - 5
Item Fade-out limit only works during animation.
#122 opened by unweeked - 2
Suggestion - Enhanced HUD Customization and Dynamic Stacking Feature Proposal
#110 opened by threasterkeaster123 - 1
Xaero's Minimap Compat?
#120 opened by pdoktor - 2
Quality of Life requests
#118 opened by GoodOleJar - 1
- 1
hotbar not rendering
#117 opened by mintyfresh479 - 1
- 2
Action Bar features suggestion
#111 opened by Olinus10 - 2
- 5
1.20.5 Fabric [Bug] Inventory and Settings auto-hide
#108 opened by Zorklis - 7
chat indicator stuck!
#88 opened by Kas295 - 1
It's not compatible with Optifine
#107 opened by Salamingos - 0
- 1
HUD appears when breaking block
#104 opened by NigelsNutInLaw - 1
"Rendering hotbar items" log spam in 6.6.1
#103 opened by Finsider - 5
HUD is still rendered although hidden.
#97 opened by Finsider - 1
- 3
- 2
- 1
Incompatibility - Slot Cycler
#94 opened by AzuryxxVortex - 1
Tough as Nail Compability
#92 opened by WillBMorra - 0
Simply Skills compat
#91 opened by Sweenus - 3
[Bug]: Error upon loading Minecraft
#90 opened - 2
Tweak compatibility with Raised on Forge
#89 opened by BookerCatch - 4
Halo hud is hidden by auto hud.
#86 opened by M1hono - 0
- 1
help my game is crashing
#84 opened by mixiymixinout - 2
(Suggestion) Reveal Component on Keybind
#83 opened by Afrocntrik - 3