
Research codes for new mappoly version

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT

MAPpoly 2.0


MAPpoly 2.0 is an under-development package to build genetic maps in diploids and polyploid interconnected populations. Some of the MAPpoly 2.0 features:

  • Mutli-population
  • Multi-allelic (from biallelic to complete informative markers)
  • Multi-ploidy (2, 4, 6, and any combination of those)

What we have so far

The core C++ function to re-estimate a genetic map and compute the haplotype probabilities in any of the above situations is implemented. However, several functions must be implemented before releasing the package to the general public. In the next sections, I will present some functionality implemented in the current version.


  • Update functions to allow self fertilization
  • Use log on the HMM to avoid underflow computations

Merging maps from MAPpoly in a rose population

In this section, we will build a consensus map of chromosome 1 using two tetraploid mapping populations: BExMG SWxBE. First, let us load the pre-constructed maps in MAPpoly’s format:

map_ch1_BExMG <- readRDS("~/repos/current_work/rose/fullsib_maps/BExMG/map_err_ch_1.rds")
map_ch1_SWxBE <- readRDS("~/repos/current_work/rose/fullsib_maps/SWxBE/map_err_ch_1.rds")
dat_BExMG <- readRDS("~/repos/current_work/rose/data/dat_BExMG.rds")
dat_SWxBE <- readRDS("~/repos/current_work/rose/data/dat_SWxBE.rds")
map.list <- list(BExMG = map_ch1_BExMG, 
                 SWxBE = map_ch1_SWxBE)
plot_map_list_consensus(map.list, col = c(2,4))

Formatting data to MAPpoly2

data.list <- list(BExMG = dat_BExMG, 
                  SWxBE = dat_SWxBE)
parents.mat <- matrix(c("Brite_Eyes","My_Girl",
                      ncol = 2,
                      byrow = TRUE, 
                      dimnames = list(c("pop1", "pop2"), c("P1", "P2")))

Preparing data and assessing correspondence among homologous chromosomes (holomogs).

w <- prepare_maps_to_merge(map.list = map.list,
                           data.list = data.list, 
                           parents.mat = parents.mat, 
                           err = 0)
##   |                                                          |                                                  |   0%  |                                                          |                                                  |   1%  |                                                          |=                                                 |   1%  |                                                          |=                                                 |   2%  |                                                          |=                                                 |   3%  |                                                          |==                                                |   3%  |                                                          |==                                                |   4%  |                                                          |==                                                |   5%  |                                                          |===                                               |   5%  |                                                          |===                                               |   6%  |                                                          |===                                               |   7%  |                                                          |====                                              |   7%  |                                                          |====                                              |   8%  |                                                          |====                                              |   9%  |                                                          |=====                                             |   9%  |                                                          |=====                                             |  10%  |                                                          |=====                                             |  11%  |                                                          |======                                            |  11%  |                                                          |======                                            |  12%  |                                                          |======                                            |  13%  |                                                          |=======                                           |  13%  |                                                          |=======                                           |  14%  |                                                          |=======                                           |  15%  |                                                          |========                                          |  15%  |                                                          |========                                          |  16%  |                                                          |========                                          |  17%  |                                                          |=========                                         |  17%  |                                                          |=========                                         |  18%  |                                                          |=========                                         |  19%  |                                                          |==========                                        |  19%  |                                                          |==========                                        |  20%  |                                                          |==========                                        |  21%  |                                                          |===========                                       |  21%  |                                                          |===========                                       |  22%  |                                                          |===========                                       |  23%  |                                                          |============                                      |  23%  |                                                          |============                                      |  24%  |                                                          |============                                      |  25%  |                                                          |=============                                     |  25%  |                                                          |=============                                     |  26%  |                                                          |=============                                     |  27%  |                                                          |==============                                    |  27%  |                                                          |==============                                    |  28%  |                                                          |==============                                    |  29%  |                                                          |===============                                   |  29%  |                                                          |===============                                   |  30%  |                                                          |===============                                   |  31%  |                                                          |================                                  |  31%  |                                                          |================                                  |  32%  |                                                          |================                                  |  33%  |                                                          |=================                                 |  33%  |                                                          |=================                                 |  34%  |                                                          |=================                                 |  35%  |                                                          |==================                                |  35%  |                                                          |==================                                |  36%  |                                                          |==================                                |  37%  |                                                          |===================                               |  37%  |                                                          |===================                               |  38%  |                                                          |===================                               |  39%  |                                                          |====================                              |  39%  |                                                          |====================                              |  40%  |                                                          |====================                              |  41%  |                                                          |=====================                             |  41%  |                                                          |=====================                             |  42%  |                                                          |=====================                             |  43%  |                                                          |======================                            |  43%  |                                                          |======================                            |  44%  |                                                          |======================                            |  45%  |                                                          |=======================                           |  45%  |                                                          |=======================                           |  46%  |                                                          |=======================                           |  47%  |                                                          |========================                          |  47%  |                                                          |========================                          |  48%  |                                                          |========================                          |  49%  |                                                          |=========================                         |  49%  |                                                          |=========================                         |  50%  |                                                          |=========================                         |  51%  |                                                          |==========================                        |  51%  |                                                          |==========================                        |  52%  |                                                          |==========================                        |  53%  |                                                          |===========================                       |  53%  |                                                          |===========================                       |  54%  |                                                          |===========================                       |  55%  |                                                          |============================                      |  55%  |                                                          |============================                      |  56%  |                                                          |============================                      |  57%  |                                                          |=============================                     |  57%  |                                                          |=============================                     |  58%  |                                                          |=============================                     |  59%  |                                                          |==============================                    |  59%  |                                                          |==============================                    |  60%  |                                                          |==============================                    |  61%  |                                                          |===============================                   |  61%  |                                                          |===============================                   |  62%  |                                                          |===============================                   |  63%  |                                                          |================================                  |  63%  |                                                          |================================                  |  64%  |                                                          |================================                  |  65%  |                                                          |=================================                 |  65%  |                                                          |=================================                 |  66%  |                                                          |=================================                 |  67%  |                                                          |==================================                |  67%  |                                                          |==================================                |  68%  |                                                          |==================================                |  69%  |                                                          |===================================               |  69%  |                                                          |===================================               |  70%  |                                                          |===================================               |  71%  |                                                          |====================================              |  71%  |                                                          |====================================              |  72%  |                                                          |====================================              |  73%  |                                                          |=====================================             |  73%  |                                                          |=====================================             |  74%  |                                                          |=====================================             |  75%  |                                                          |======================================            |  75%  |                                                          |======================================            |  76%  |                                                          |======================================            |  77%  |                                                          |=======================================           |  77%  |                                                          |=======================================           |  78%  |                                                          |=======================================           |  79%  |                                                          |========================================          |  79%  |                                                          |========================================          |  80%  |                                                          |========================================          |  81%  |                                                          |=========================================         |  81%  |                                                          |=========================================         |  82%  |                                                          |=========================================         |  83%  |                                                          |==========================================        |  83%  |                                                          |==========================================        |  84%  |                                                          |==========================================        |  85%  |                                                          |===========================================       |  85%  |                                                          |===========================================       |  86%  |                                                          |===========================================       |  87%  |                                                          |============================================      |  87%  |                                                          |============================================      |  88%  |                                                          |============================================      |  89%  |                                                          |=============================================     |  89%  |                                                          |=============================================     |  90%  |                                                          |=============================================     |  91%  |                                                          |==============================================    |  91%  |                                                          |==============================================    |  92%  |                                                          |==============================================    |  93%  |                                                          |===============================================   |  93%  |                                                          |===============================================   |  94%  |                                                          |===============================================   |  95%  |                                                          |================================================  |  95%  |                                                          |================================================  |  96%  |                                                          |================================================  |  97%  |                                                          |================================================= |  97%  |                                                          |================================================= |  98%  |                                                          |================================================= |  99%  |                                                          |==================================================|  99%  |                                                          |==================================================| 100%

Correspondence among homologous chromosomes in different crosses. In this case, Brite Eyes is present in two crosses. Homolog C in cross 1 (BExMG) corresponds to homolog D in cross 2 (SWxBE). Yet, D corresponds to A, A corresponds to C and B corresponds to B.


Map reconstruction (without error - need to fix underflow computations)

consensus.map <- hmm_map_reconstruction(w, tol = 10e-4, verbose = FALSE)

Notice that the map is still longer than expected because we still need to include the genotype errors in the algorithm

plot_map_list_consensus(map.list, consensus.map, col = mp_pallet2(3))

Computing homolog probabilities

multi_fam_genoprob <- calc_genoprob_mutli_fam(consensus.map, step = 1)

Probability profiles

g <- multi_fam_genoprob$genoprob
Z1<- g %>% filter(ind == "X16400_N047")
##           ind           snp       prob pos homolog
## 1 X16400_N047 Affx-86811403 0.98009213   0   P1_h1
## 2 X16400_N047 Affx-86811403 0.03914838   0   P1_h2
## 3 X16400_N047 Affx-86811403 0.96825905   0   P1_h3
## 4 X16400_N047 Affx-86811403 0.01250045   0   P1_h4
## 5 X16400_N047 Affx-86811403 0.01250045   0   P2_h1
## 6 X16400_N047 Affx-86811403 0.98586862   0   P2_h2
ggplot2::ggplot(Z1, ggplot2::aes(x = pos, y = prob, fill = homolog, color = homolog)) + 
  ggplot2::geom_density(stat = "identity", alpha = 0.7, position = "stack") + 
  ggplot2::facet_grid(rows = ggplot2::vars(homolog))


Multiallelic simulation (given phase of funders)

Let us simulate four parents:

  • P1 tetraploid, 50 markers with alleles 0,1,2,3
  • P2 diploid, 50 markers with alleles 2,3,4,5
  • P3 hexaploid, 50 markers with alleles 0,1,2,3,4,5
  • P4 tetraploid, 50 markers with alleles 0,2,6,8

crossed as follows:

  • P1 x P2: 100 individuals
  • P3 x P1: 100 individuals
  • P4 x P2: 100 individuals
  • P3 x P4: 100 individuals

map length: 50 cM

ploidy.vec <- c(4, 2, 6, 4) #three parents
names(ploidy.vec) <- c("P1", "P2", "P3", "P4")
cross.mat <- matrix(c("P1","P2",
                    ncol = 2, byrow = T)
n.mrk <- c(50,50,50,50) #per parent
map.length <- 50 #in centimorgans
alleles <- list(P1 = c(0:3),
                P2 = c(2:5),
                P3 = c(0:5),
                P4 = c(0,2,6,8))
n.ind <- c(100, 100, 100, 100) #per cross

sim.cross <- simulate_multiple_crosses(ploidy.vec,
## This is an object of class mappolymp.data'
##     Number of founders:                      4 
##     Ploidy of founders:                      4 6 4 2 
##     No. individuals:                         400 
##     No. markers:                             88 
## Number of individuals per crosses:    
##       P1  P2  P4
##   P1   0 100   0
##   P3 100   0 100
##   P4   0 100   0
## Number of markers per allelic level:
##  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 
##  1  5 23 16 16 10  1
w <- states_to_visit(sim.cross)
##   |                                                          |                                                  |   0%  |                                                          |                                                  |   1%  |                                                          |=                                                 |   1%
map <- hmm_map_reconstruction(w, tol = 10e-4, verbose = FALSE)
plot_map_list_consensus(map.list = NULL, map)

Simulating biallelic maps, phasing with MAPpoly and merging with MAPPoly2

Simulating four tetraploid parents with 100 biallelic markers each crossed as follows:

  • P1 x P2: 100 individuals
  • P1 x P3: 100 individuals
  • P2 x P3: 100 individuals
  • P2 x P4: 100 individuals
  • P3 x P4: 100 individuals

map length: 50 cM

ploidy.vec <- c(4, 4, 4, 4) #four parents
names(ploidy.vec) <- c("P1", "P2", "P3", "P4")
parents.mat <- matrix(c("P1","P2",
                        "P3","P4"), ncol = 2, byrow = T)
n.mrk <- c(100,100,100,100) #per parent
map.length <- 50 #in centimorgans
alleles <- list(P1 = c(0:1),
                P2 = c(0:1),
                P3 = c(0:1),
                P4 = c(0:1))
n.ind <- c(100, 100, 100, 100, 100)
sim.cross <- simulate_multiple_crosses(ploidy.vec,
## This is an object of class mappolymp.data'
##     Number of founders:                      4 
##     Ploidy of founders:                      4 4 4 4 
##     No. individuals:                         500 
##     No. markers:                             165 
## Number of individuals per crosses:    
##       P2  P3  P4
##   P1 100 100   0
##   P2   0 100 100
##   P3   0   0 100
## Number of markers per allelic level:
##   1   2 
##   7 143

Converting data to MAPpoly

data.list <- mappolymp_to_mappoly(dat = sim.cross)

Building full-sib maps

map.list <- vector("list", length(data.list))
names(map.list) <- names(data.list)
for(i in 1:length(data.list)){
  dat <- data.list[[i]]
  s <- make_seq_mappoly(dat, "all")
  tpt <- est_pairwise_rf(s)
  map.list[[i]] <- est_rf_hmm_sequential(s, tpt)
## INFO: Going singlemode. Using one CPU for calculation.
## Number of markers: 58

## ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Initial sequence ══

## 4 markers...
## •    Trying sequence: 1 2 3 4 :
##        20 phase(s): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

## ══════════════════════════════════════════════════ Done with initial sequence ══

## 5 /5 :(8.6%)   5 : 6 ph     (1/6)       -- tail: 4  •••| •|||  ...  •••| ||•| 
## 6 /6 :(10.3%)  6 : 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 5  |•|| ||••                     
## 7 /7 :(12.1%)  7 : 16 ph    (1/16)      -- tail: 6  •||| •••|  ...  •||| ••|• 
## 8 /8 :(13.8%)  8 : 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 7  ||•• ||||                     
## 9 /9 :(15.5%)  9 : 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 8  |||| •••|                     
## 10/10:(17.2%)  10: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 9  ||•• •|||                     
## 11/11:(19%)    11: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 10 •|•| |||•       •||• |||• 
## 12/12:(20.7%)  12: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 11 ••|| •|||                     
## 13/13:(22.4%)  13: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 12 ••|| ||••                     
## 14/14:(24.1%)  14: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 13 ||•| ||•|                     
## 15/15:(25.9%)  15: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 14 •||• |•••                     
## 16/16:(27.6%)  16: 4 ph     (1/4)       -- tail: 15 •|•| ||||  ...  •||• |||| 
## 17/17:(29.3%)  17: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 16 |•|| |||•                     
## 18/18:(31%)    18: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 17 |||• |••|                     
## 19/19:(32.8%)  19: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 18 |••| ||||                     
## 20/20:(34.5%)  20: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 19 ||•| ||••                     
## 21/21:(36.2%)  21: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 20 ••|| |••|                     
## 22/22:(37.9%)  22: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 21 |||| |••|                     
## 23/23:(39.7%)  23: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 22 |•|| |||•                     
## 24/24:(41.4%)  24: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 23 •||| ||••                     
## 25/25:(43.1%)  25: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 24 ••|• |•||                     
## 26/26:(44.8%)  26: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 25 ||•| |||•                     
## 27/27:(46.6%)  27: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 26 |||• |•||       |||• ||•| 
## 28/28:(48.3%)  28: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 27 •|•| ||||                     
## 29/29:(50%)    29: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 28 |•|| ||••                     
## 30/30:(51.7%)  30: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 29 |||| ||••                     
## 31/31:(53.4%)  31: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 30 ••|• ||•|                     
## 32/32:(55.2%)  32: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 31 •||| •|||                     
## 33/33:(56.9%)  33: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 32 |•|| ||•|                     
## 34/34:(58.6%)  34: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 33 |||| •••|                     
## 35/35:(60.3%)  35: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 34 •||• ||••                     
## 36/36:(62.1%)  36: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 35 |••| •|||                     
## 37/37:(63.8%)  37: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 36 •||• |||•                     
## 38/38:(65.5%)  38: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 37 |||• •|•|                     
## 39/39:(67.2%)  39: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 38 |||| •||•                     
## 40/40:(69%)    40: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 39 |•|| ||||                     
## 41/41:(70.7%)  41: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 40 |||| •|•|                     
## 42/42:(72.4%)  42: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 41 ||•• |||•                     
## 43/43:(74.1%)  43: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 42 ••|| ••||                     
## 44/44:(75.9%)  44: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 43 |••• ||••                     
## 45/45:(77.6%)  45: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 44 |||| •|•|                     
## 46/46:(79.3%)  46: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 45 |••| ••••                     
## 47/47:(81%)    47: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 46 •||• ||||                     
## 48/48:(82.8%)  48: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 47 |||• |||•                     
## 49/49:(84.5%)  49: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 48 |||• •|||                     
## 50/50:(86.2%)  50: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 49 ••|| ||||                     
## 51/51:(87.9%)  51: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 50 |•|| |••|                     
## 52/52:(89.7%)  52: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 51 |||• |•||       |||• ||•| 
## 53/53:(91.4%)  53: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 52 ||•| ••||                     
## 54/54:(93.1%)  54: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 53 •|•| ||••                     
## 55/55:(94.8%)  55: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 54 |•|| •|||       |•|| |•|| 
## 56/56:(96.6%)  56: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 55 •|•• |••|                     
## 57/57:(98.3%)  57: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 56 •||| ||•|                     
## 58/58:(100%)   58: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 57 •||| |•••

## ══════════════════════════════════ Reestimating final recombination fractions ══

## Markers in the initial sequence: 58
## Mapped markers                  : 58 (100%)

## ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════

## INFO: Going singlemode. Using one CPU for calculation.
## Number of markers: 58

## ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Initial sequence ══

## 4 markers...
## •    Trying sequence: 1 2 3 4 :
##        64 phase(s): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
##                     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

## ══════════════════════════════════════════════════ Done with initial sequence ══

## 5 /5 :(8.6%)   5 : 12 ph    (2/12)      -- tail: 4  ••|| |•||  ...  ••|| |||• 
## 6 /6 :(10.3%)  6 : 8 ph     (1/8)       -- tail: 5  •||| ••||  ...  •||| |••| 
## 7 /7 :(12.1%)  7 : 4 ph     (1/4)       -- tail: 6  •||| •|||  ...  •||| |•|| 
## 8 /8 :(13.8%)  8 : 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 7  |||• ||•|                     
## 9 /9 :(15.5%)  9 : 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 8  ||•• ||||                     
## 10/10:(17.2%)  10: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 9  |•|| |•••                     
## 11/11:(19%)    11: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 10 |||| •|||                     
## 12/12:(20.7%)  12: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 11 ••|| ••||       ••|| •||• 
## 13/13:(22.4%)  13: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 12 |||• ||||                     
## 14/14:(24.1%)  14: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 13 |•|• •|||                     
## 15/15:(25.9%)  15: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 14 |||• ||||                     
## 16/16:(27.6%)  16: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 15 •||| ||||                     
## 17/17:(29.3%)  17: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 16 •||| |•|•                     
## 18/18:(31%)    18: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 17 •||• ••||                     
## 19/19:(32.8%)  19: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 18 •||| •||•                     
## 20/20:(34.5%)  20: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 19 •••| •||•                     
## 21/21:(36.2%)  21: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 20 ••|| •|||                     
## 22/22:(37.9%)  22: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 21 ••|| ||||                     
## 23/23:(39.7%)  23: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 22 |||| •||•                     
## 24/24:(41.4%)  24: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 23 |•|| |•|•                     
## 25/25:(43.1%)  25: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 24 •••| ||•|                     
## 26/26:(44.8%)  26: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 25 ||•| ••||                     
## 27/27:(46.6%)  27: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 26 |•|• •|||                     
## 28/28:(48.3%)  28: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 27 •||| ||||                     
## 29/29:(50%)    29: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 28 |||| ||•|                     
## 30/30:(51.7%)  30: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 29 |•|| •|••                     
## 31/31:(53.4%)  31: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 30 •••• ||•|                     
## 32/32:(55.2%)  32: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 31 ||•• ||||                     
## 33/33:(56.9%)  33: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 32 •••| •|||                     
## 34/34:(58.6%)  34: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 33 •||| |||•                     
## 35/35:(60.3%)  35: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 34 |••| ||||                     
## 36/36:(62.1%)  36: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 35 ||•| ||•|                     
## 37/37:(63.8%)  37: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 36 |||| •|••                     
## 38/38:(65.5%)  38: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 37 |••| ••••                     
## 39/39:(67.2%)  39: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 38 ••|• |||•       •|•• |||• 
## 40/40:(69%)    40: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 39 ||•| |•||                     
## 41/41:(70.7%)  41: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 40 ||•| ||••                     
## 42/42:(72.4%)  42: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 41 •||• •|||       •||• |•|| 
## 43/43:(74.1%)  43: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 42 |••| ||||                     
## 44/44:(75.9%)  44: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 43 ||•| •|••                     
## 45/45:(77.6%)  45: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 44 ||•| |•||                     
## 46/46:(79.3%)  46: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 45 ||•| •|•|                     
## 47/47:(81%)    47: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 46 |||| •|||                     
## 48/48:(82.8%)  48: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 47 ••|• ||||                     
## 49/49:(84.5%)  49: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 48 ||•| ||||                     
## 50/50:(86.2%)  50: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 49 ||•| ||||                     
## 51/51:(87.9%)  51: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 50 ••|| |||•       |•|• |||• 
## 52/52:(89.7%)  52: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 51 |••• ••|•                     
## 53/53:(91.4%)  53: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 52 •||| •|•|                     
## 54/54:(93.1%)  54: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 53 •|•• |||•                     
## 55/55:(94.8%)  55: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 54 |•|| •|••                     
## 56/56:(96.6%)  56: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 55 •||| •|||                     
## 57/57:(98.3%)  57: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 56 •••| •|||                     
## 58/58:(100%)   58: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 57 ||•| |||•

## ══════════════════════════════════ Reestimating final recombination fractions ══

## Markers in the initial sequence: 58
## Mapped markers                  : 58 (100%)

## ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════

## INFO: Going singlemode. Using one CPU for calculation.
## Number of markers: 56

## ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Initial sequence ══

## 4 markers...
## •    Trying sequence: 1 2 3 4 :
##        4 phase(s): . . . .

## ══════════════════════════════════════════════════ Done with initial sequence ══

## 5 /5 :(8.9%)   5 : 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 4  •••| •|||                     
## 6 /6 :(10.7%)  6 : 3 ph     (1/3)       -- tail: 5  •••| •••|  ...  ••|• •••| 
## 7 /7 :(12.5%)  7 : 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 6  |•|| ||||                     
## 8 /8 :(14.3%)  8 : 3 ph     (1/3)       -- tail: 7  |•|• |••|  ...  |•|• |•|• 
## 9 /9 :(16.1%)  9 : 12 ph    (1/12)      -- tail: 8  •|•| •|||  ...  •|•| |•|| 
## 10/10:(17.9%)  10: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 9  |••• |•||                     
## 11/11:(19.6%)  11: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 10 •||• |||•                     
## 12/12:(21.4%)  12: 4 ph     (1/4)       -- tail: 11 •••| •|||  ...  •••| ||•| 
## 13/13:(23.2%)  13: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 12 ||•• ||••                     
## 14/14:(25%)    14: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 13 |•|• ||||                     
## 15: not included (*linkage phases*)
## 15/16:(28.6%)  16: 6 ph     (1/6)       -- tail: 14 •||• ••||  ...  •||• •||• 
## 16/17:(30.4%)  17: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 15 |||| ||•|                     
## 17/18:(32.1%)  18: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 16 |||• ||||                     
## 18/19:(33.9%)  19: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 17 |||| •|•|                     
## 19/20:(35.7%)  20: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 18 •|•• |••|       •|•• ||•• 
## 20/21:(37.5%)  21: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 19 |••| ||||                     
## 21/22:(39.3%)  22: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 20 |••| ||••                     
## 22/23:(41.1%)  23: 3 ph     (1/3)       -- tail: 21 •||• •||•  ...  |•|• •||• 
## 23/24:(42.9%)  24: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 22 |•|| |•||                     
## 24/25:(44.6%)  25: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 23 |||| ||•|                     
## 25/26:(46.4%)  26: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 24 |•|• ||||                     
## 26/27:(48.2%)  27: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 25 ||•| •||•       |||• •||• 
## 27/28:(50%)    28: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 26 ||•| ||||                     
## 28/29:(51.8%)  29: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 27 |||| ||•|                     
## 29/30:(53.6%)  30: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 28 ||•• ||||                     
## 30/31:(55.4%)  31: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 29 |••| |||•                     
## 31/32:(57.1%)  32: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 30 |||• •|||                     
## 32/33:(58.9%)  33: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 31 •|•| |•||       •|•| ||•| 
## 33/34:(60.7%)  34: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 32 ||•| ||•|                     
## 34/35:(62.5%)  35: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 33 ••|• ||||                     
## 35/36:(64.3%)  36: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 34 ||•| •|•|                     
## 36/37:(66.1%)  37: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 35 ||•| |||•                     
## 37/38:(67.9%)  38: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 36 |||• |•|•                     
## 38/39:(69.6%)  39: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 37 ||•• ||||                     
## 39/40:(71.4%)  40: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 38 •||| ••||                     
## 40/41:(73.2%)  41: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 39 •|•| |•||                     
## 41/42:(75%)    42: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 40 •||• |•••                     
## 42/43:(76.8%)  43: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 41 ||•• |||•                     
## 43/44:(78.6%)  44: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 42 ••|• |•||                     
## 44/45:(80.4%)  45: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 43 |•|| |•••                     
## 45/46:(82.1%)  46: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 44 |••• •||•                     
## 46/47:(83.9%)  47: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 45 •||| |•||                     
## 47/48:(85.7%)  48: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 46 •••• ||•|                     
## 48/49:(87.5%)  49: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 47 |||• |•••                     
## 49/50:(89.3%)  50: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 48 •||| |••|                     
## 50/51:(91.1%)  51: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 49 ••|• •|••                     
## 51/52:(92.9%)  52: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 50 |•|| ||||                     
## 52/53:(94.6%)  53: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 51 ||•• |||•                     
## 53/54:(96.4%)  54: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 52 |••| •|••                     
## 54/55:(98.2%)  55: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 53 •|•| ••||                     
## 55/56:(100%)   56: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 54 ••|• |•••       |••• |•••

## ══════════════════════════════════ Reestimating final recombination fractions ══

## Markers in the initial sequence: 56
## Mapped markers                  : 55 (98.2%)

## ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════

## INFO: Going singlemode. Using one CPU for calculation.
## Number of markers: 55

## ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Initial sequence ══

## 4 markers...
## •    Trying sequence: 1 2 3 4 :
##        8 phase(s): . . . . . . . .

## ══════════════════════════════════════════════════ Done with initial sequence ══

## 5 /5 :(9.1%)   5 : 3 ph     (1/3)       -- tail: 4  •||| ||||  ...  |•|| |||| 
## 6 /6 :(10.9%)  6 : 4 ph     (1/4)       -- tail: 5  ••|| •••|  ...  ••|| ••|• 
## 7 /7 :(12.7%)  7 : 6 ph     (1/6)       -- tail: 6  •••| •|||  ...  •••| |•|| 
## 8 /8 :(14.5%)  8 : 20 ph    (1/20)      -- tail: 7  •|•| ••||  ...  •|•| •||• 
## 9 /9 :(16.4%)  9 : 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 8  |||| |•||                     
## 10/10:(18.2%)  10: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 9  |•|| |•||                     
## 11/11:(20%)    11: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 10 •||| •|||       •||| ||•| 
## 12/12:(21.8%)  12: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 11 ••|| •|•|       ••|| |••| 
## 13/13:(23.6%)  13: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 12 |||• |||•                     
## 14/14:(25.5%)  14: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 13 |||| •|•|       |||| •||• 
## 15/15:(27.3%)  15: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 14 |•|| |•|•                     
## 16/16:(29.1%)  16: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 15 •||• •|||                     
## 17/17:(30.9%)  17: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 16 |••• |•|•                     
## 18/18:(32.7%)  18: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 17 |||| |•||                     
## 19/19:(34.5%)  19: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 18 ••|| |••|       |•|• |••| 
## 20/20:(36.4%)  20: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 19 •||• •|||                     
## 21/21:(38.2%)  21: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 20 |•|• •|•|                     
## 22/22:(40%)    22: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 21 •||| ••||                     
## 23/23:(41.8%)  23: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 22 |||| •|||                     
## 24/24:(43.6%)  24: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 23 ••|| ||•|                     
## 25/25:(45.5%)  25: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 24 |||• •••|                     
## 26/26:(47.3%)  26: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 25 |||| •|•|                     
## 27/27:(49.1%)  27: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 26 ||•• ||||                     
## 28/28:(50.9%)  28: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 27 ||•• |••|                     
## 29/29:(52.7%)  29: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 28 |||| •||•                     
## 30/30:(54.5%)  30: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 29 |||• •|••                     
## 31/31:(56.4%)  31: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 30 ||•| •||•                     
## 32/32:(58.2%)  32: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 31 •••| |••|                     
## 33/33:(60%)    33: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 32 •|•• •|||                     
## 34/34:(61.8%)  34: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 33 |•|• ||•|                     
## 35/35:(63.6%)  35: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 34 ||•• •|||                     
## 36/36:(65.5%)  36: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 35 |•|| ||•|                     
## 37/37:(67.3%)  37: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 36 •|•| ||•|                     
## 38/38:(69.1%)  38: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 37 |•|• ||||                     
## 39/39:(70.9%)  39: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 38 •||| •|•|                     
## 40/40:(72.7%)  40: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 39 •|•• •||•                     
## 41/41:(74.5%)  41: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 40 ••|• •|||                     
## 42/42:(76.4%)  42: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 41 ||•| |•••                     
## 43/43:(78.2%)  43: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 42 ||•• |••|                     
## 44/44:(80%)    44: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 43 •••• |||•                     
## 45/45:(81.8%)  45: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 44 |||| ||••                     
## 46/46:(83.6%)  46: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 45 |•|| |•||                     
## 47/47:(85.5%)  47: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 46 •||• •||•                     
## 48/48:(87.3%)  48: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 47 ||•• |•|•                     
## 49/49:(89.1%)  49: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 48 •|•| ••|•                     
## 50/50:(90.9%)  50: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 49 |||| ||••                     
## 51/51:(92.7%)  51: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 50 |||| ||•|                     
## 52/52:(94.5%)  52: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 51 |•|• ||••                     
## 53/53:(96.4%)  53: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 52 ||•| |••|                     
## 54/54:(98.2%)  54: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 53 |||• •||•                     
## 55/55:(100%)   55: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 54 |••• •||•

## ══════════════════════════════════ Reestimating final recombination fractions ══

## Markers in the initial sequence: 55
## Mapped markers                  : 55 (100%)

## ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════

## INFO: Going singlemode. Using one CPU for calculation.
## Number of markers: 58

## ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Initial sequence ══

## 4 markers...
## •    Trying sequence: 1 2 3 4 :
##        12 phase(s): . . . . . . . . . . . .

## ══════════════════════════════════════════════════ Done with initial sequence ══

## 5 /5 :(8.6%)   5 : 3 ph     (3/3)       -- tail: 4  |||| ||••  ...  |||| |••| 
## 6 /6 :(10.3%)  6 : 5 ph     (3/5)       -- tail: 5  ||•• •|••  ...  ||•• •|•• 
## 7 /7 :(12.1%)  7 : 4 ph     (1/4)       -- tail: 6  ||•| ||•|  ...  ||•| |||• 
## 8 /8 :(13.8%)  8 : 12 ph    (1/12)      -- tail: 7  •||| ••||  ...  •||| •||• 
## 9 /9 :(15.5%)  9 : 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 8  |||| |||•                     
## 10/10:(17.2%)  10: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 9  |||| •|•|                     
## 11/11:(19%)    11: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 10 •||| •|||       ||•| •||| 
## 12/12:(20.7%)  12: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 11 ||•• |•||                     
## 13/13:(22.4%)  13: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 12 |||| •|||                     
## 14/14:(24.1%)  14: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 13 •||| ||||                     
## 15/15:(25.9%)  15: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 14 |||| |•|•                     
## 16/16:(27.6%)  16: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 15 |•|• |•|•                     
## 17/17:(29.3%)  17: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 16 •|•| |•|•                     
## 18/18:(31%)    18: 5 ph     (1/5)       -- tail: 17 ••|| ||•|  ...  •|•| ||•| 
## 19/19:(32.8%)  19: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 18 •||| |||•                     
## 20/20:(34.5%)  20: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 19 |||| ||•|                     
## 21/21:(36.2%)  21: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 20 |||| •••|                     
## 22/22:(37.9%)  22: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 21 |•|• •|•|                     
## 23/23:(39.7%)  23: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 22 ||•| |•||                     
## 24/24:(41.4%)  24: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 23 ||•| ||••                     
## 25/25:(43.1%)  25: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 24 •||| ||•|                     
## 26/26:(44.8%)  26: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 25 |||| •|||                     
## 27/27:(46.6%)  27: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 26 |•|• •|••                     
## 28/28:(48.3%)  28: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 27 •||| •|•|                     
## 29/29:(50%)    29: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 28 ||•| ||||                     
## 30/30:(51.7%)  30: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 29 |||| ||•|                     
## 31/31:(53.4%)  31: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 30 ||•| ||||                     
## 32/32:(55.2%)  32: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 31 |||| •|||                     
## 33/33:(56.9%)  33: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 32 •||| •••|                     
## 34/34:(58.6%)  34: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 33 |||| •||•                     
## 35/35:(60.3%)  35: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 34 |||| •|||                     
## 36/36:(62.1%)  36: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 35 ||•| ||||                     
## 37/37:(63.8%)  37: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 36 |||| |•••                     
## 38/38:(65.5%)  38: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 37 |•|| ||||       |||• |||| 
## 39/39:(67.2%)  39: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 38 •••• •|•|                     
## 40/40:(69%)    40: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 39 |•|| ||||       |||• |||| 
## 41/41:(70.7%)  41: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 40 •|•• •|•|                     
## 42/42:(72.4%)  42: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 41 ••|| |•|•                     
## 43/43:(74.1%)  43: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 42 |•|• ||•|                     
## 44/44:(75.9%)  44: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 43 ||•| ••|•                     
## 45/45:(77.6%)  45: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 44 •||| |•||                     
## 46/46:(79.3%)  46: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 45 |||| ••||                     
## 47/47:(81%)    47: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 46 |•|| •|||                     
## 48/48:(82.8%)  48: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 47 •|•• |||•                     
## 49/49:(84.5%)  49: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 48 |•|| ||||                     
## 50/50:(86.2%)  50: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 49 |||| |•||                     
## 51/51:(87.9%)  51: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 50 |||• ••||                     
## 52/52:(89.7%)  52: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 51 |•|• |•••                     
## 53/53:(91.4%)  53: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 52 •||| |||•                     
## 54/54:(93.1%)  54: 2 ph     (1/2)       -- tail: 53 ||•| |||•       |||• |||• 
## 55/55:(94.8%)  55: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 54 |•|• ||•|                     
## 56/56:(96.6%)  56: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 55 •||| ||•|                     
## 57/57:(98.3%)  57: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 56 •||| ||||                     
## 58/58:(100%)   58: 1 ph     (1/1)       -- tail: 57 |||• ••|•

## ══════════════════════════════════ Reestimating final recombination fractions ══

## Markers in the initial sequence: 58
## Mapped markers                  : 58 (100%)

## ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════

plot_map_list(map.list, col = mp_pallet2(5))

Preparing data and assessing correspondence among homologous chromosomes (holomogs).

w <- prepare_maps_to_merge(map.list = map.list,
                           data.list = data.list,
                           parents.mat = parents.mat,
                           err = 0)
##   |                                                          |                                                  |   0%  |                                                          |                                                  |   1%  |                                                          |=                                                 |   1%  |                                                          |=                                                 |   2%  |                                                          |=                                                 |   3%  |                                                          |==                                                |   3%  |                                                          |==                                                |   4%  |                                                          |==                                                |   5%  |                                                          |===                                               |   6%  |                                                          |===                                               |   7%  |                                                          |====                                              |   8%  |                                                          |=====                                             |   9%  |                                                          |=====                                             |  10%  |                                                          |======                                            |  11%  |                                                          |======                                            |  12%  |                                                          |======                                            |  13%  |                                                          |=======                                           |  13%  |                                                          |=======                                           |  14%  |                                                          |=======                                           |  15%  |                                                          |========                                          |  15%  |                                                          |========                                          |  16%  |                                                          |========                                          |  17%  |                                                          |=========                                         |  17%  |                                                          |=========                                         |  18%  |                                                          |=========                                         |  19%  |                                                          |==========                                        |  20%  |                                                          |==========                                        |  21%  |                                                          |===========                                       |  22%  |                                                          |============                                      |  23%  |                                                          |============                                      |  24%  |                                                          |=============                                     |  25%  |                                                          |=============                                     |  26%  |                                                          |=============                                     |  27%  |                                                          |==============                                    |  27%  |                                                          |==============                                    |  28%  |                                                          |==============                                    |  29%  |                                                          |===============                                   |  29%  |                                                          |===============                                   |  30%  |                                                          |===============                                   |  31%  |                                                          |================                                  |  31%  |                                                          |================                                  |  32%  |                                                          |================                                  |  33%  |                                                          |=================                                 |  34%  |                                                          |=================                                 |  35%  |                                                          |==================                                |  36%  |                                                          |===================                               |  37%  |                                                          |===================                               |  38%  |                                                          |====================                              |  39%  |                                                          |====================                              |  40%  |                                                          |====================                              |  41%  |                                                          |=====================                             |  41%  |                                                          |=====================                             |  42%  |                                                          |=====================                             |  43%  |                                                          |======================                            |  43%  |                                                          |======================                            |  44%  |                                                          |======================                            |  45%  |                                                          |=======================                           |  45%  |                                                          |=======================                           |  46%  |                                                          |=======================                           |  47%  |                                                          |========================                          |  48%  |                                                          |========================                          |  49%  |                                                          |=========================                         |  50%  |                                                          |==========================                        |  51%  |                                                          |==========================                        |  52%  |                                                          |===========================                       |  53%  |                                                          |===========================                       |  54%  |                                                          |===========================                       |  55%  |                                                          |============================                      |  55%  |                                                          |============================                      |  56%  |                                                          |============================                      |  57%  |                                                          |=============================                     |  57%  |                                                          |=============================                     |  58%  |                                                          |=============================                     |  59%  |                                                          |==============================                    |  59%  |                                                          |==============================                    |  60%  |                                                          |==============================                    |  61%  |                                                          |===============================                   |  62%  |                                                          |===============================                   |  63%  |                                                          |================================                  |  64%  |                                                          |=================================                 |  65%  |                                                          |=================================                 |  66%  |                                                          |==================================                |  67%  |                                                          |==================================                |  68%  |                                                          |==================================                |  69%  |                                                          |===================================               |  69%  |                                                          |===================================               |  70%  |                                                          |===================================               |  71%  |                                                          |====================================              |  71%  |                                                          |====================================              |  72%  |                                                          |====================================              |  73%  |                                                          |=====================================             |  73%  |                                                          |=====================================             |  74%  |                                                          |=====================================             |  75%  |                                                          |======================================            |  76%  |                                                          |======================================            |  77%  |                                                          |=======================================           |  78%  |                                                          |========================================          |  79%  |                                                          |========================================          |  80%  |                                                          |=========================================         |  81%  |                                                          |=========================================         |  82%  |                                                          |=========================================         |  83%  |                                                          |==========================================        |  83%  |                                                          |==========================================        |  84%  |                                                          |==========================================        |  85%  |                                                          |===========================================       |  85%  |                                                          |===========================================       |  86%  |                                                          |===========================================       |  87%  |                                                          |============================================      |  87%  |                                                          |============================================      |  88%  |                                                          |============================================      |  89%  |                                                          |=============================================     |  90%  |                                                          |=============================================     |  91%  |                                                          |==============================================    |  92%  |                                                          |===============================================   |  93%  |                                                          |===============================================   |  94%  |                                                          |================================================  |  95%  |                                                          |================================================  |  96%  |                                                          |================================================  |  97%  |                                                          |================================================= |  97%  |                                                          |================================================= |  98%  |                                                          |================================================= |  99%  |                                                          |==================================================|  99%  |                                                          |==================================================| 100%

Correspondence among homologous chromosomes in different crosses.


consensus.map <- hmm_map_reconstruction(w, tol = 10e-4, verbose = FALSE)
plot_map_list_consensus(map.list, consensus.map, col = mp_pallet2(6))

multi_fam_genoprob <- calc_genoprob_mutli_fam(consensus.map, step = 1)
g <- multi_fam_genoprob$genoprob
Z1<- g %>% filter(ind == unique(g$ind)[1])
##           ind snp       prob pos homolog
## 1 Ind_P1xP2_1  M1 0.95512461   0   P1_h1
## 2 Ind_P1xP2_1  M1 0.06143484   0   P1_h2
## 3 Ind_P1xP2_1  M1 0.92662983   0   P1_h3
## 4 Ind_P1xP2_1  M1 0.05681072   0   P1_h4
## 5 Ind_P1xP2_1  M1 0.99258438   0   P2_h1
## 6 Ind_P1xP2_1  M1 0.99258438   0   P2_h2
ggplot2::ggplot(Z1, ggplot2::aes(x = pos, y = prob, fill = homolog, color = homolog)) +
  ggplot2::geom_density(stat = "identity", alpha = 0.7, position = "stack") +
  ggplot2::facet_grid(rows = ggplot2::vars(homolog))