Firebase Push Notification Plugin for Xamarin iOS and Android
- 2
Delivery rate is not 50%
#473 opened by tobus2012 - 26
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Plugin compatibility for Xamarin MAUI applications
#440 opened by GAURI02X - 10
MAUI Support
#469 opened by Gekidoku - 0
Any plan of Required Reason API Privacy manifest?
#475 opened by Object531 - 0
Could not receive the push notification on OnMessageReceived while swipe away app
#476 opened by ebinroy - 1
OnTokenRefresh method only fires every second debug session, but token has renewed on Firebase
#461 opened by KevinNelHowell - 2
Crash In IOS Initial
#459 opened by WebcomCompany - 2
Android 12 Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException: 'com.infinity.estrats: Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE or FLAG_MUTABLE be specified
#450 opened by BurhanMunir - 1
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- 1
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Permission Request
#472 opened by microkid2019 - 1
Token Issues
#471 opened by microkid2019 - 4
Sendo push to device android 13
#468 opened by ivanteles - 2
The "UnpackFrameworks" task failed unexpectedly. FirebaseMessaging already exists.
#453 opened by hercul1017 - 0
- 0
iOS Token is not generating giving error
#466 opened by jitendrajadav - 0
Problems after Update 3.4.25 or 3.4.35 with Android.Support.V4.Media.Session.MediaSessionCompat
#465 opened by KnechtStephan - 0
NuGet Release
#464 opened by Meekohi - 1
CrossFirebasePushNotification.Current.OnTokenRefresh not always firing at app startup
#462 opened by Yahya0007 - 3
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Using VS22 Xamarin
#437 opened by wickshot - 0
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Plugin.FirebasePushNotifications crashing on Xamarin.IOS project and phisical iPhone
#458 opened by tmadwar - 0
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Notification not coming on Status Bar on Android 12
#438 opened by Rishi2611 - 2
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App Crashes at Initialization FirebasePushNotificationManager.Initialize(this, true);
#456 opened by BhaurajBiradar001 - 1
Failed to resolve Android.Gms.Tasks.Task Firebase.Messaging.FirebaseMessaging::DeleteToken()
#455 opened by sharunkumar - 0
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CrossFirebasePushNotification.Current.OnNotificationOpened Event is not firing
#452 opened by anilrawatGH - 0
I do not know how to get pending notifications when I start the application with statusbar notifcations waiting
#451 opened by martienpoels-bank2loyalty - 1
CrossFirebasePushNotification.Current.OnNotificationReceived not enter in ios
#449 opened by NehaLOsamaFahmy - 1
Default FirebaseApp is not initialized
#446 opened by quintonv - 0
- 3
Cannot include different versions of the framework 'FBLPromises.framework'
#441 opened by tromcap1102 - 0
Failed to get FIS auth token
#445 opened by HugoVG - 5
"UnpackFrameworks" task failed unexpectedly - FirebaseMessaging already exists
#428 opened by nemekzg - 1
Native linking failed when installed in VS2022
#443 opened by Darius-Flynn - 1
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Should Notifications Work on Android 11?
#432 opened by danielckelly - 1
[Android] Condition to display notification
#434 opened by AlleSchonWeg - 2
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OnNotificationOpened not fired on Android when notification is tapped while app is closed. (Xamarin.Forms)
#430 opened by Vineland - 2
Java exited code 1
#425 opened by MohanadObiad - 1
Crash when open notification when app is in foregroud
#429 opened by bigpjo - 1
3.4.22 is Incompatible with Xamarin.Forms on Android (cause AndroidX.Core references incompatibility)
#427 opened by Jerome-Liger - 0