This is the source code for an interactive rendering engine. See it in action on Youtube
The rendering engine visualised surfaces based on signed distance function (SDF). The engine is was written in C++ and OpenGL from scratch. The code running on the GPU can be generated and compiled on-the-fly. Examples scenes include CSG models, meta-surfaces, and the Mandelbulb fractal.
Made by Csaba Bálint. Supervisor/Tutor: Gábor Valasek.
- CSABA Bálint, Gábor Valasek. Interactive Rendering Framework for Distance Function Representations. International Conference on Applied Informatics - Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae , 2017, (under review) Article Presentation
- CSABA Bálint, Gábor Valasek. Távolságfüggvényekkel definiált felületek interaktív megjelenítése. Országos Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia, 2016. (II. award) Document Presentation