
lane detection

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


PyTorch implementation of the paper "[HWLane: HW-Transformer for Lane Detection]".

CULane demo




  • HWLane achieves SOTA results on VIL-100, CULane, and Tusimple Dataset.

Get started

  1. Clone the HWLane repository

    git clone https://github.com/Cuibaby/HWLane.git

    We call this directory as $HWLane_ROOT

  2. Create a conda virtual environment and activate it (conda is optional)

    conda create -n HWLane python=3.8 -y
    conda activate HWLane
  3. Install dependencies

    # Install pytorch firstly, the cudatoolkit version should be same in your system. (you can also use pip to install pytorch and torchvision)
    conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
    # Or you can install via pip
    pip install torch torchvision
    # Install python packages
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Data preparation

    Download VIL100, CULane and Tusimple. Then extract them to $VIL100ROOT $CULANEROOT and $TUSIMPLEROOT. Create link to data directory.

    cd $MFIALane_ROOT
    mkdir -p data
    ln -s $VIL100ROOT data/VIL100
    ln -s $CULANEROOT data/CULane
    ln -s $TUSIMPLEROOT data/tusimple

    For CULane, you should have structure like this:

    $CULANEROOT/driver_xx_xxframe    # data folders x6
    $CULANEROOT/laneseg_label_w16    # lane segmentation labels
    $CULANEROOT/list                 # data lists

    For Tusimple, you should have structure like this:

    $TUSIMPLEROOT/clips # data folders
    $TUSIMPLEROOT/lable_data_xxxx.json # label json file x4
    $TUSIMPLEROOT/test_tasks_0627.json # test tasks json file
    $TUSIMPLEROOT/test_label.json # test label json file

    For Tusimple, the segmentation annotation is not provided, hence we need to generate segmentation from the json annotation.

    python tools/generate_seg_tusimple.py --root $TUSIMPLEROOT
    # this will generate seg_label directory

    For VIL100, you should have structure like this:

  5. Install CULane evaluation tools.

    This tools requires OpenCV C++. Please follow here to install OpenCV C++. Or just install opencv with command sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev

    Then compile the evaluation tool of CULane.

    cd $HWLane_ROOT/runner/evaluator/culane/lane_evaluation
    cd -

    Note that, the default opencv version is 3. If you use opencv2, please modify the OPENCV_VERSION := 3 to OPENCV_VERSION := 2 in the Makefile.

    If you have problems installing the C++ version, you can remove the $lane_evaluation and change the 'type=Py_CULane' in the config file to use the pure Python version for evaluation.


For training, run

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4 python main.py [configs/path_to_your_config] --gpus [gpu_ids]

For example, run

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4 python main.py configs/culane.py --gpus 0 1 2 3


For testing, run

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4 python main.py c[configs/path_to_your_config] --validate --load_from [path_to_your_model] [gpu_num]

For example, run

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4 python main.py configs/culane.py --validate --load_from culane.pth --gpus 0 1 2 3

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4 python main.py configs/tusimple.py --validate --load_from tusimple.pth --gpus 0 1 2 3

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4 python main.py configs/vilane.py --validate --load_from vilane.pth --gpus 0 1 2 3

We provide three trained ResNet/VGG models on VIL100, CULane and Tusimple.

Dataset Backbone Metric paper Metric This repo Model
VIL100 ResNet34 91.9 91.9 Comming Soon
Tusimple ResNet18 96.83 96.83 Comming Soon
CULane VGG16 76.9 76.9 Comming Soon


Just add --view.

For example:

python main.py configs/culane.py --validate --load_from culane.pth --gpus 0 1 2 3 --view

You will get the result in the directory: work_dirs/[DATASET]/xxx/vis.


  author={Zhao, Jing and Qiu, Zengyu and Hu, Huiqin and Sun, Shiliang},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems}, 
  title={HWLane: HW-Transformer for Lane Detection}, 
  keywords={Lane detection;Feature extraction;Computational modeling;Task analysis;Visualization;Current transformers;Convolutional neural networks;Deep learning;lane detection;transformer;self-knowledge distillation},

author={Qiu, Zengyu and Zhao, Jing and Sun, Shiliang},  
journal={IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems},   
title={MFIALane: Multiscale Feature Information Aggregator Network for Lane Detection},   


The code is modified from RESA and SCNN, Tusimple Benchmark. It's also recommended for you to try LaneDet.