
Proximity on Interact Event nonfunctional on some triggers

SahasaV opened this issue · 2 comments

Some triggers can be activated from further away than the proximity setting should allow for.
I have not found which conditions cause this to occur.

Proximity nonfunctional for this trigger:

Functional for this trigger:

Can you provide more detail about how the proximity is not acting as expected? CyanTrigger only passes the value to the UdonBehaviour and the rest is handled by VRChat. You can check the UdonBehaviour's proximity value to verify if it is the same as the CyanTrigger value by using the debug view in the inspector.

There are multiple bugs in VRChat that can cause issues with interact and proximity that are unrelated to CyanTrigger:

Proximity can break if you have a trigger collider over an area that includes the player and the interact. Usually this results in being unable to interact with objects unless your hand is inside the object's collider. A solution to get around this is to set all large trigger colliders to the MirrorReflection layer.

There is a distance proximity bug that if any trigger collider is near an interact, reaching through that trigger collider will always allow interacting. This has been a bug for many years now and can be easily seen when multiple chair are placed next to each other.

I believe you're right, the mirror reflection layer trick worked. Sorry for bothering you with this.