- 0
#182 opened by maulberto3 - 6
#180 opened by nomuramasahir0 - 1
Images for README
#1 opened by c-bata - 2
How to set multi-dimensional Sigma
#176 opened by shenao1994 - 3
Are non-scalar values of a sigma supported?
#173 opened by aschepelmann - 12
- 3
Reference or paper to cite
#156 opened by edwinb-ai - 0
add example code of LRA-CMA
#165 opened by nomuramasahir0 - 0
#166 opened by nomuramasahir0 - 1
- 8
question about _xnes
#155 opened by d-nagata - 1
Box constraint handling
#137 opened by nomuramasahir0 - 0
- 3
new API including ask and tell
#147 opened by nomuramasahir0 - 4
#117 opened by nomuramasahir0 - 2
Get the local optimums
#146 opened by brunomorayib - 5
Scipy Dependency
#114 opened by nomuramasahir0 - 2
#120 opened by joshnah - 2
Mutable mean vector
#111 opened by Josef-Hlink - 0
Implement OptimizerProtocol for mypy checking.
#103 opened by c-bata - 1
Need more information for the difference between a sampler and ask-and-tell.
#108 opened by huynhhuy1401 - 2
- 0
Remove deprecated modules towards v1.0 release.
#102 opened by c-bata - 0
Support WS-sep-CMA-ES
#93 opened by c-bata - 2
Wrong definition of dim in get_warm_start_mgd
#97 opened by Yibinjiang - 2
Replace GIF animations with mp4
#88 opened by c-bata - 1
Separable CMA-ES support
#71 opened by c-bata - 0
Drop Python 3.5 support
#74 opened by c-bata - 2
A CMA-ES for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization
#72 opened by c-bata - 1
Automate the release process by GitHub Actions
#64 opened by c-bata - 1
Roadmap to v1.0.0
#35 opened by c-bata - 9
[Bug] Negative eigenvalue
#36 opened by ColinBrosseauAlgolux - 2
A Global Surrogate Assisted CMA-ES
#15 opened by c-bata - 0
Add deprecation warning when using Optuna sampler.
#18 opened by c-bata - 6
question about Low-level interface
#9 opened by cjfcsjt - 3
question about the `tell` inferface
#4 opened by nomuramasahir0