
Camera picture issue (Intermittent)

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This It seems there is an intermittent issue where the picture come out with lots of lines. when I get this if I cycle through the camera modes the picture gets restored.

Camera used: https://www.d3engineering.com/product/designcore-d3rcm-ov10640-953-rugged-camera-module/



However when it's good it's quite good.


As a positive I haven't had a single crash with this release or a startup where cameras didn't work at all yet!!



I'm glad to hear that you're getting (mostly) good results with your hardware on this release!

I have a theory about your ugly images. The next time you get a noisy image like the ones you shared, what happens if you cover the lens of the camera for a few seconds (e.g. with a lens cap, your finger, a piece of cardboard, etc) so that the image is completely dark? Does the image look good after you uncover the lens?


Hi Cody!

Yes!! That actually works! However we have to repeat that when we restart (most times tbh)

Other solution is to request sensor mode 1,

Is there a way to fix this?

I can hack the 'nvarguscamerasrc' if necessary. I used to modify the camera driver in the previous release, but this time around I didn't have to go there because there aren't major pains like BSP 4.0.0 days!



Sounds like we're dealing with the same issue here. Unfortunately, all we know for sure is that covering the lens for a few seconds resolves the noise. This is on our list for the next release.

One thing I just thought of: are the results the same if you disable ISP features like auto exposure, auto white balance, edge enhance, etc.? gst-inspect-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc should tell you how to disable them.


Hi Ganindu,

We finally had some time to dive into this, and determined that we're running a clock in the image sensor outside its published operating range. That would explain the intermittent nature of the artifacts. Unfortunately it's not a straightforward fix so we've reached out to OVT for assistance. At the moment, the best known workaround is to switch modes as you mentioned.
