- alhejajLoughborough
- bashia
- cemu
- cheddo
- chengjunNanjing University
- csetzkornUnited Kingdom
- dmrd
- dshlaiTaipei
- edwardxieChina
- elibtronicCanada
- Felipeasg
- fmannanToronto, Canada
- fmderQuébec, Canada
- gutzofter
- hieroPhantSPAT & The Whisper Company & Machine Essence Corporation & GAIA
- hsanchezSRI International
- itcd
- jameshughes89St. Francis Xavier University
- jhcloos
- jinrouNebius
- josueggh
- JudithBarnettVyndyco Corporation
- kjaftDermalog Identification Systems GmbH
- lmartiObservable universe
- midnightradioRepublic of Korea
- mszubertUniversity of Vermont
- nrobidouxImage processing and web delivery consultant
- ptizoomChristian Montanari Consulting
- pushkarsinha
- rainseeker
- rlishtaba@linkedIn @microsoft
- soravuxQuébec, Canada
- tellman
- vitaware
- WilliamRenDaLian, LiaoNing, China
- yalehu