
Set of Windows only plugins for DGLE.

Primary LanguageC++


It is not a standalone project but rather addition to DGLE. DGLE headers have to be copied from DGLE/include/cpp/ to DWinDirect/dgle/ prior to attempt to build the project and DGLE.dll from DGLE/bin/windows/ should be placed to DWinDirect/bin/ in order to be able to run Test project.

  • CoreRendererDX9 depends on legacy DXSDK.
  • CoreRendererDX11 is not yet complete and is not able to compile.
  • General contains general stuff such as splines, collisions, etc.

render prototype

This is experimental high level DX11 renderer billet. Also contains vector math library which have syntax similar to HLSL/GLSL shading languages including swizzling.