This repository consists of three folders:
- FK3V contains C code implementing a modified Fenton-Karma model which reproduces rat ventricular APD, along with matplotlib script to compare APD restitution with experimental data:
- Geometry-files contains 3D DTI-based geometry and myocyte orientation files in .txt format and a .vtk format geometry file; alpha and theta are rule-based implementations, whereas MH1, MH3, MH5 correspond to DTI1, DTI2, DTI3, respectively. Run
gcc eigenvec.c -lm -o eigenvec.o
followed by./eigenvec.o
to compile and run code to extract eigenvector and myocyte orientation angle files for visualisation. An example figure showing myocyte orientation streamlines in a wedge is provided:
- Videos contains supplementary videos from the paper
If you publish any work based on the contents of this repository please cite:
Whittaker, D. G., Benson, A. P., Teh, I., Schneider, J. E., Colman, M. A. (2019). Investigation of the role of myocyte orientations in cardiac arrhythmia using image-based models. Biophysical Journal, 117, 2396-2408.