
A simple webapp 'RemoveRite' which removes background of any image file

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


RemoveRite is a simple web application that removes the background from any image file. It uses Flask as the web framework, rembg for background removal, and Pillow for image processing. The app is containerized using Docker for easy deployment.


Using Docker is not required to use the app. However, since the app relies on rembg, it will download dependencies totaling around 180MB whenever it is used. Therefore, it is not suited for typical use but is intended for educational purposes only.


  • Upload Image: Upload an image file from your device.
  • Background Removal: Automatically removes the background from the uploaded image.
  • Download Image: Download the processed image with the background removed.


  • Python 3.8+ or current version
  • Flask
  • rembg
  • Pillow
  • Docker (for containerization)


Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/DSCmatter/removebg.git
cd removebg

Install required packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the Application

python app.py

The application will be accessible at

Using Docker Build the Docker Image To containerize the application using Docker, use the following command:

Copy code docker build -t removebg Run the Docker Container

Copy code docker run -d -p 5000:5000 removebg

The application will be accessible at http://localhost:5000/.


  • Navigate to the homepage.
  • Upload an image by clicking the "Choose File" button.
  • Click "Remove Background" to process the image.
  • Download the image with the background removed.