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DSmarkMadhya Pradesh, India.
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The fundamental idea of programming mathematics is to move the element in a random way. Where the many regulations and requirements are
IN 2020, when GitHub released this new feature of creating our very own unique readme profile, it provided a way for developers and artists alike to showcase their work professionally in the form of a “personal resume” on GitHub.
Flappy Bird is a mobile game developed by sir "Dong Nguyen" originally. This clone game making for learning purpose where the player controls a bird, attempting to fly between columns of green pipes without hitting them
Games have become an integral part of everyday life for many people. A traditional game often presents a situation where “players engage in an conflict, defined by rules and results in a quantifiable outcome
LinkedIn APIs were used to automate your post, which was then combined with a JSON API for a random meme pulled from Reddit, which is maintained by @D3vd and set up using GitHub action.
Would you like to design a reputable website for your business? Do you know how to use HTML effectively? HTML website templates are the finest option if so. An HTML template is the best option if you want to save time while keeping complete control over your website.
This example demonstrates how you can use Create React App with TypeScript. It includes @mui/material and its peer dependencies, including emotion, the default style engine in MUI v5. If you prefer, you can use styled-components instead.
It's a straightforward spring animation that mostly draws inspiration from a CSS tutorial that explains how springs function using the "hook law" and "basic forces"
Tic tac toe, noughts and crosses, or Xs and Os is a paper-and-pencil game for two players who take turns marking the spaces in a three-by-three grid with X or O. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row is the winner.
DSDmark's Repositories
Would you like to design a reputable website for your business? Do you know how to use HTML effectively? HTML website templates are the finest option if so. An HTML template is the best option if you want to save time while keeping complete control over your website.
This example demonstrates how you can use Create React App with TypeScript. It includes @mui/material and its peer dependencies, including emotion, the default style engine in MUI v5. If you prefer, you can use styled-components instead.
It's a straightforward spring animation that mostly draws inspiration from a CSS tutorial that explains how springs function using the "hook law" and "basic forces"
IN 2020, when GitHub released this new feature of creating our very own unique readme profile, it provided a way for developers and artists alike to showcase their work professionally in the form of a “personal resume” on GitHub.
LinkedIn APIs were used to automate your post, which was then combined with a JSON API for a random meme pulled from Reddit, which is maintained by @D3vd and set up using GitHub action.
Tic tac toe, noughts and crosses, or Xs and Os is a paper-and-pencil game for two players who take turns marking the spaces in a three-by-three grid with X or O. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row is the winner.
How can I create my own First React Web app? is a challenging question. Everyone seemed to have their own solutions. This application explains how to create "Your First App" in a more straightforward manner.
The simple bubble sort technique serves as the foundation for this application It depicts the bubble sorting method As a result, you can see how it works graphically.
Using logic to create code never seen before. In addition, this file container all types of game. it's the awesome game collection (AS੯ames).
The sorting allows you to sort elements of an array in place. Besides returning the sorted array, the sorting changes the positions of the elements in the original array. in the case of JavaScript by default uses insertion sort for the sort() method.
It's no surprise that blogs have gained a lot of popularity since they're a fun and adaptable tool for people to express themselves and interact with others. Additionally, individuals might develop blogs to hone their writing abilities or even to advertise their companies. Here is how to start your very own personal blog.
This JavaScript project is being used to create a code. This is a straightforward, elementary-level project for educational purposes. Additionally, you may modify this system to meet your needs and create an ideal advanced level project.
Want to design a website for a hostel? Here is a guide on using a website template that will allow you to begin documenting your hostel experiences.
The MERN app serves as an example of how to utilise Build React App with Includes @mui/Material and its peer dependencies, which include emotion, the built-in style engine in MUI v5. Moreover, it employed Node.js for its RESTful APIs, and MongoDB was used to store data. It works with the Docker platform.
Tic tac toe is a classic game. It can be played virtually anywhere and on anything, from a bar napkin to a computer screen to a chic wooden set.
Personal portfolio website of theme Ubuntu 20.04, made using NEXT.js & tailwind CSS
Created with CodeSandbox
ArkTech Website
Experience the function of circle simulations in JavaScript, where the beauty of mathematics is harnessed through the seamless integration of trigonometric functions, showcasing the artistry of a developer's craft.
A repository that contains memes just for people like us.
Dockerizing a MERN Stack Web Application
Docs: https://digimonkt.github.io/koor-backend/
🌐 Website for LunarVim