KOOR is a project that aims to connect employers, job seekers, and vendors in a single platform. It functions similar to a freelancer platform, where employers can create jobs and tenders, job seekers can apply for them, and vendors can apply for tenders.
KOOR is designed to provide a convenient and efficient way for employers to find the right candidates or vendors for their projects. Employers can search for job seekers or vendors based on their skills, experience, and other criteria.
Job seekers and vendors can use KOOR to find opportunities that match their expertise and preferences. They can create profiles, highlight their skills and experience, and apply for relevant jobs or tenders.
Overall, KOOR is a platform that brings together employers, job seekers, and vendors to facilitate the hiring process and help people find the right opportunities for their skills and interests.
Github Repo 🔗
- Python >= 3.8
git clone git@github.com:digimonkt/koor-backend.git cd koor-backend
python -m venv env
.\env\Scripts\Activate.ps1 # for Windows Powershell
.\env\Scripts\activate # for Windows Command Prompt
source .\env\Scripts\activate # for Linux or Unix
pip install -r .\requirements.txt
Create .env file add following variables. Detail about the variable based on the Configuration referenced here
# Django Configuration DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=koor.config DJANGO_CONFIGURATION=Production or Local DJANGO_SECRET_KEY="<django-security-key>" DJANGO_DEBUG=True or False DJANGO_PAGINATION_LIMIT=10 DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS="*" # Databases Configuration DATABASE_URI="postgres://<database-host>:<database-password>@<database-host>:5432/<database-name>" POSTGRES_CONN_MAX_AGE=600 # IN MINUTES JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_LIFETIME=1 # IN DAYS JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_LIFETIME=30 JWT_ALGORITHM=SH256, # IN MINUTES JWT_SLIDING_TOKEN_LIFETIME=1 # IN DAYS JWT_SLIDING_TOKEN_REFRESH_LIFETIME=1 # CORS CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST = <frontend-url> # Author, Manager and Stakeholder ORGANIZATION=ORGANIZATION@email.com DEVOPS=DEVOPS@email.com QA=QA@email.com DEVELOPER=DEVELOPER@email.com SERVER_EMAIL=SERVER_EMAIL@email.com
Boolean value (i.e. True or False). You’re certainly developing your project with DEBUG = True, since this enables handy features like full tracebacks in your browser. Used from .env
String value, A secret key for a particular Django installation. This is used to provide cryptographic signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value. Used from .env
Integer value, The lifetime of a database connection, as an integer of seconds. Used from .env by variable name POSTGRES_CONN_MAX_AGE
Boolean value, Set this to True to wrap each view in a transaction on this database.
List value, A list of strings representing the host/domain names that this Django site can serve.
List value, A list of all the people who get code error notifications.
List value, A list in the same format as ADMINS that specifies who should get broken link notifications.
String value, The email address that error messages come from, such as those sent to ADMINS and MANAGERS.