Zero padding in frequency domain for C2R transform broken ?
Closed this issue · 1 comments
nschaeff commented
Zero padding in frequency domain does not seem to work for C2R
I'm doing:
onfig.FFTdim = 1;
config.size[0] = NFFT;
config.isInputFormatted = 1; // out-of-place: separate buffer for input and output
config.inverseReturnToInputBuffer = 1;
config.inputBufferStride[0] = nfft; // spatial data
config.bufferStride[0] = nfft/2 + 1; // spectral data
config.performZeropadding[0] = 1;
config.frequencyZeroPadding = 1;
config.fft_zeropad_left[1] = Kmax+1;
config.fft_zeropad_right[1] = NFFT/2+1; // Not sure what to put here?
config.numberBatches = howmany; // an even number here
config.performR2C = 1;
Followed with
VkFFTAppend(&shtns->vkfft_plan, 1, &launchParams);
If I do not set the frequencies between Kmax+1 and the end of the array to zero, I don't get the correct spatial data.
Besides, the kernel takes exactly the same time with and without zero padding.
Am I doing something wrong or is this not supported for C2R ?
By the way, I'm still using vkfft 1.2.33, I did not check if this is still true for the current version.
nschaeff commented
Arf, wrong index into the config.fft_zeropad* arrays... It works as expected. Sorry for the noise.