DaeyoungKim83's Stars
A 3D Viewer for CTs of Polychromed Wood Sculptures
Builds on top of Qt to provide widgets which are useful when developing robotics applications, such as a 3D view, plots, dashboard, etc, and can be used together in a convenient unified interface.
:globe_with_meridians: A lightweight 3D visualization of the earth in 150 lines of Qt/OpenGL
3D plot widget for QT
My personal project that reconstructs a 3D face model from a single image. Used C++, Qt, OpenCV, OpenGL with the help of Surrey Face Model.
Experiments with 3D graphics using Qt3D framework
3D map view - proof of concept using Qt 3D
Interactive 3D terrain simulation using OpenGL 4 and Qt 5.
A cross-platform desktop Qt GUI for 3D Repo
# Intellifotainment assist” – Smart HMI for passenger cars To run the program, download all files and save them in the same directory. After that, simply run 'Master.py' in the terminal. At the moment, the program will only run in linux based systems. # The Idea Infotainment systems have come a long way since the first set of dashboards installed in cars. Through our idea, we aim to create a Human Machine interaction model that takes infotainment systems to a new level. The driver tends to get distracted from the road while performing secondary tasks such as changing the music track, locking/unlocking the door while driving etc. Our system shall enable the driver to focus only on driving. Controlling the secondary tasks will be much easier. Our product primarily comprises of 5 modules: 1) Attention and drowsiness detection: - A camera shall be present on the dashboard, in front of the driver, behind the steering wheel. Through digital image processing techniques , using hough circle algorithm and haarcascade of an eye, we shall keep track of the driver’s sight. If he or she is looking away from the road while driving for more than a specified amount of time, we shall alert the driver to focus. We shall map the head orientation and iris position to accurately identify the driver’s attention. 2) Infotainment control features using blink combination: Through a combination of blinks, the driver can turn on or of the headlights, tail lights as well as indicators. Blinking of the eyes shall be detected using ‘dlib’ features in python. This shall give extremely accurate results. 3) Voice commands to control wipers, car lock, music system and windows A simple, yet extremely useful idea that would make the life of the driver a whole lot easy. Enabling the driver to speak to his car infotainment system would allow him to control and navigate these functionalities with great ease. The car will be enabled with a virtual assistant. 4) Automatic rear view mirror adjustment scheme: Using the camera placed in front of the driver, the system shall detect the position of the driver’s head. This shall also be done using image processing techniques and we shall identify the coordinates of the driver head in 3D space. There will be a mapping between the head position and mirror adjustment scheme. The mirrors will adjust their position using servo motors and shall do so automatically by identifying the head position. 5) A revolutionary reverse-assistance algorithm for smart parking and general reversing: Probably the highlight of our model, this feature shall make driving the car in and out of a parking spot, or rather, even reversing a car in general, far easier and safer than what it already is. Like most other modern cars, our model shall also have a camera installed at the back and the corresponding image displayed at the infotainment screen for parking assistance. Upon activating the reverse gear, the screen shall trace the line of motion of the car corresponding to the current position of the steering wheel. Because of this feature, the driver gets an idea of whether or not he’ll hit an obstacle while reversing if the steering wheel is kept at that position. Taking this feature to another level, the rear camera, after capturing the live video feed from the back of the car, shall perform image processing and machine learning algorithms to find a safe, obstacle-free path for reversing and indicate the driver to move the steering wheel accordingly. So instead of relying solely on the drivers judgement, our system shall actually find the path to be taken while reversing, such that other cars and other obstacles will be avoided, and accordingly recommend the driver to steer the wheel in that direction. This feature shall be extremely useful for new drivers/ learners. During the initial phase, to prevent errors from creeping in, we will always have a manual override button. After a good amount of testing, further modifications and refinements can be made. Our systems adds new dimensions to both precautionary safety measures, as well as convenience. If implemented properly, we are confident that our project will reach new heights of HMI and driver assistance technology. It will give drivers several less reasons to worry about.
An open HD map production process for autonomous car simulation
A ROS/ROS2 Multi-robot Simulator for Autonomous Vehicles
An awesome list of self-driving cars
Apollo notes (Apollo学习笔记) - Apollo learning notes for beginners.
This project is based on PCL library that is used to read and process point cloud data obtained using 3D Lidar sensor. Aim is to detect 3d obstacles (other vehicles) in the surrounding of the ego vehicle and create appropriate bounding boxes around them. This repository has code for both the custom (implemented by me) as well as PCL's built in segmentation and clustering methods.
This repository contains code written in C++ that I developed while working at New York University Control and Networks Lab as a Graduate Assistant. The project to which these codes belong is called: "Steering Control for Autonomous Vehicles with Human-in-the-Loop", and simulate the trajectory of the connected vehicles using the library OpenGL.
This repository contains code written in C++ that I developed while working at New York University Control and Networks Lab as a Graduate Assistant. The project to which these codes belong is called: "Steering Control for Autonomous Vehicles with Human-in-the-Loop", and simulate the trajectory of the connected vehicles using the library OpenGL.
Car instrument cluster for a custom tiny core linux distribution that runs OpenGL rendering through DRM/KMS
This project is a driving simulator written in C++ using the OpenGL library. The simulator allows users to experience virtual driving in a three-dimensional environment.
Clustered Forward/Deferred renderer with Physically Based Shading, Image Based Lighting and a whole lot of OpenGL.
This project is a driving simulator written in C++ using the OpenGL library. The simulator allows users to experience virtual driving in a three-dimensional environment.
OpenGL template for a 3D car-driving game
Driving simulator game on PC using OpenGL
Car driving demo in OpenGL with non-trivial physics simulation.
Highly realistic objects and environments can be generated by 3D computer graphics and visualization. In this program, an entire control system of traffic signals, car driving simulation, and multiple camera views of the simulation environment through different perspectives is developed. Moreover, in order to generate a realistic simulation environment, a large amount of low-poly 3D models are added to this program.
3D Autonomous Self-Driving Car Simulator with ROS
City Road 3D Scenario using OpenGL C++ - Dynamic city road 3D scenario is created using OpenGL. View transformations, material properties, lighting, texturing and curves (Bezier Curve) have been used to develop this project.
A guide to using modern OpenGL functions.