- 0
indoor dataset
#47 opened by DIVE128 - 2
HPatches result with matlab and python
#36 opened by aIR1000 - 0
the trainning datasets
#46 opened by Nestart - 1
- 1
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data/sets/'
#44 opened by InstantWindy - 0
Loss function
#43 opened by zzxp - 8
where is pytorch_sift ?
#26 opened by yunyundong - 10
- 2
Training Set Label Formatting
#42 opened by ss32 - 0
report a bug maybe
#41 opened by nbl97 - 1
invalid index of a 0-dim tensor. Use tensor.item() to convert a 0-dim tensor to a Python number
#40 opened by hiterjoshua - 3
Is this loss the same with Batch Hard Loss ?
#39 opened by XuyangBai - 1
Test on yosemite dataset
#38 opened by Shu-HowTing - 1
About the measurement metric
#29 opened by yunyundong - 2
what is the version of pytorch
#34 opened by andeyeluguo - 1
The link to HardNet++ is broken
#37 opened by moshes7 - 1
- 0
Verification task on HPatches
#33 opened by coding456 - 2
Training epochs
#32 opened by aIR1000 - 2
Code of Oxford5k experiments
#31 opened by appleleaves - 11
HardNet+ with --augmentation or --fliprot
#30 opened by aIR1000 - 2
hardnet training files
#28 opened by aIR1000 - 6
Has a worse performance HardNetClassicalHardNegMiningSiftInit, Compared to HardNetMultipleDatasets?
#27 opened by yunyundong - 1
RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (30) : unknown error at /pytorch/aten/src/THC/
#20 opened by dymymao - 3
Waht's the meaning of this line?
#25 opened by yunyundong - 0
all dataset as training set
#24 opened by appleleaves - 1
- 4
- 2
Insufficient distance margin ?
#21 opened by IQ17 - 1
Training error : OOM
#19 opened by Miranda0920 - 2
The Test FPR95 accuracy is always similar regard of different datasets trained ???
#18 opened by Sunshine352 - 21
Could you tell me how to train on oxford5k?
#16 opened by gsygsy96 - 8
use hardnet as the local feature extractor
#14 opened by yhethanchen - 4
The test code of the caffe model is wrong
#11 opened by hurricane2018 - 2
The result is different from your paper
#13 opened by hurricane2018 - 1
- 5
how to evaluate the Liberty using Notredame
#10 opened by hurricane2018 - 4
Interrupt when running the sample
#9 opened by empty16 - 0
Convolutional sliding window
#7 opened - 11
- 1
- 1
Concerning the "class TripletPhotoTour"
#4 opened by johnnysclai - 1