
A client library for use with .NET based prog-langs for interfacing with Archipelago hosts.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A client library for use with .NET based prog-langs for interfacing with Archipelago hosts.

Getting Started

var session = ArchipelagoSessionFactory.CreateSession("localhost", 38281);

session.TryConnectAndLogin("Risk of Rain 2", "Ijwu", new Version(2,1,0));

The ArchipelagoSession object is your entrypoint for all operations with the server. The session object exposes various helpers which provide functionality for various objectives you might be trying to achieve.


The location check helper may be used to complete or scout location checks. The API also provides utility functions such as retrieving the name of a location from numerical id.

var session = ArchipelagoSessionFactory.CreateSession("localhost", 38281);

session.TryConnectAndLogin("Risk of Rain 2", "Ijwu", new Version(2,1,0));

string locationName = session.Locations.GetLocationNameFromId(42);
int locationId = session.Locations.GetLocationIdFromName(locationName);

session.Locations.ScoutLocationsAsync(locationInfoPacket => Console.WriteLine(locationInfoPacket.Locations.Count));


The received items helper provides an interface for retrieving the list of received items as well as a C# event for when an item is received. The event automatically executes its registered event handlers when an item is received. A utility method is also included for getting an item name from numerical id.

var session = ArchipelagoSessionFactory.CreateSession("localhost", 38281);

session.TryConnectAndLogin("Risk of Rain 2", "Ijwu", new Version(2,1,0));
session.Items.ItemReceived += (receivedItemsHelper) => {
	var itemReceivedName = receivedItemsHelper.PeekItemName();
	// ... Handle item receipt.



The player helper provides methods for accessing details about the other players currently connected to the Archipelago session.

var session = ArchipelagoSessionFactory.CreateSession("localhost", 38281);

session.TryConnectAndLogin("Risk of Rain 2", "Ijwu", new Version(2,1,0));
var sortedPlayerNames = session.Players.AllPlayers.Select(x => x.Name).OrderBy(x => x);


The socket helper is a lower level API allowing for direct access to the socket which the session object uses to communicate with the Archipelago server. You may use this object to hook onto when messages are received or you may use it to send any packets defined in the library. Various events are exposed to allow for receipt of errors or notifying of socket close.

var session = ArchipelagoSessionFactory.CreateSession("localhost", 38281);

session.TryConnectAndLogin("Risk of Rain 2", "Ijwu", new Version(2,1,0));
session.Socket.SendPacket(new SayPacket(){Text = "Woof woof!"});


DeathLink support is included in the library. You may enable it by using the CreateDeathLinkServiceAndEnable in the DeathLinkProvider class. This method is also an extension method so you may enable it more easily. DeathLink should be enabled before the socket connection is opened.

var session = ArchipelagoSessionFactory.CreateSession("localhost", 38281);

var deathLinkService = session.CreateDeathLinkServiceAndEnable();
session.TryConnectAndLogin("Risk of Rain 2", "Ijwu", new Version(2,1,0));

deathLinkService.OnDeathLinkReceived += (deathLinkObject) => {
	// ... Kill your player(s).

// ... On death:
deathLinkService.SendDeathLink(new DeathLink(){
	sourcePlayer = "Ijwu",
	cause = "Died to exposure."