This raymarcher is designed to render geometrical shapes and 3D fractals.
Build and run the application with these commands:
make clean
This raymarch can render:
- Spheres
- Cubes
- Planes
- Tori
By combining the previously mentioned shapes's signed distance functions, this raymarcher can produce complex models like:
- Cube with a spherical hole
- Cube frame
- Peanut shape
To learn more about SDFs and complex shape creation, you can visit this comprehensive guide.
Explore fractal geometry with this raymarcher. Currently, the Mandelbulb fractal is supported.
More on the Mandelbulb.
Set the scene with different environmental backdrops:
- Day
- Night
- Stars in a black sky
You can add more detail to your spheres and cubes with supported textures.
This raymarcher also supports:
- Reflections
- Soft shadowing
- Anti-aliasing