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Mod. no. Chapter Name
1) Introduction to System Software and Operating Systems
1.1 System Software
Linkers and Loaders
1.2 Structures and Principles of OS
Types of Operating Systems
2) Process Management
2.1 Major Concepts of Processes
Major Concepts of Thread
UNIX Processes and Threads
3) Process Co-ordination
3.1 Process Synchronization
Critical Section Problem
Producer Consumer's Problem
Reader Writer's Problem
Printer Spooler Problem
Dining Philosophers Problem
3.2 CPU Scheduling
Sheduling Criteria, Algorithms
Prevention, Detection(RAG)
Avoidance(Banker's Algorithm)
4) Memory Management
4.1 Contiguous Allocation
Non-Contiguous Allocation
4.2 Virtual Memory Management
Demand Paging
Allocation of Frames
5) File Management
5.1 Storage Management
Disk Structure
Disk Scheduling, Management
5.2 File System Implementation
File System Structure
Allocation methods
5.3 Inodes
Solved Examples