A very small, fast, header-only, C++ library for generating CRCs
- C++14 or greater
- Can be used to generate arbitrary/custom CRC calculators, and CRC lookup tables at compile time
- Header-only, single file, very small backend implementation (<100 lines)
- Each CRC function has the signature:
constexpr out_t crc_type::crc_name::calc(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t size, out_t crc = initial_value)
- Support for the following algorithms are built-in:
- CRC8::CRC8::calc
- CRC8::CDMA2000::calc
- CRC8::DARC::calc
- CRC8::DVB_S2::calc
- CRC8::EBU::calc
- CRC8::I_CODE::calc
- CRC8::ITU::calc
- CRC8::MAXIM::calc
- CRC8::ROHC::calc
- CRC8::WCDMA::calc
- CRC16::ARC::calc
- CRC16::AUG_CCITT::calc
- CRC16::BUYPASS::calc
- CRC16::CCITT_FALSE::calc
- CRC16::CDMA2000::calc
- CRC16::DDS_110::calc
- CRC16::DECT_R::calc
- CRC16::DECT_X::calc
- CRC16::DNP::calc
- CRC16::EN_13757::calc
- CRC16::GENIBUS::calc
- CRC16::KERMIT::calc
- CRC16::MAXIM::calc
- CRC16::MCRF4XX::calc
- CRC16::MODBUS::calc
- CRC16::RIELLO::calc
- CRC16::T10_DIF::calc
- CRC16::TELEDISK::calc
- CRC16::TMS37157::calc
- CRC16::USB::calc
- CRC16::X_25::calc
- CRC16::XMODEM::calc
- CRC16::A::calc
- CRC32::CRC32::calc
- CRC32::BZIP2::calc
- CRC32::JAMCRC::calc
- CRC32::MPEG_2::calc
- CRC32::POSIX::calc
- CRC32::SATA::calc
- CRC32::XFER::calc
- CRC32::C::calc
- CRC32::D::calc
- CRC32::Q::calc
- CRC64::ECMA::calc
- CRC64::GO_ISO::calc
- CRC64::WE::calc
- CRC64::XY::calc
// 1) include "cppcrc.h"
#include "cppcrc.h"
#include <stdio.h>
// 2) use the CRC8/CRC16/CRC32 functions, for example:
int main()
uint8_t data[] = {0x12, 0x5A, 0x23, 0x19, 0x92, 0xF3, 0xDE, 0xC2, 0x5A, 0x1F, 0x91, 0xA3};
// calculate a checksum:
uint16_t crc_value = CRC16::CCITT_FALSE::calc(data, sizeof(data));
printf("crc_value = 0x%04X\n", crc_value);
// view the lookup table:
auto &crc_table = CRC16::CCITT_FALSE::table();
printf("crc_table = {0x%04X", crc_table[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < 256; i++)
printf(", 0x%04X", crc_table[i]);
// 1) include "cppcrc.h"
#include "cppcrc.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
// 2) pick some CRC settings (these are just an example)
using base_type = uint8_t;
constexpr base_type poly = 0x12;
constexpr base_type init_value = 0x34;
constexpr bool reflect_in = true;
constexpr bool reflect_out = true;
constexpr base_type Xor_out = 0xFF;
// 3) create a new CRC type by filling in the CRC parameters
using your_crc_name = crc_utils::crc<base_type, poly, init_value, reflect_in, reflect_out, Xor_out>;
// you can use your new CRC type to calculate a checksum
uint8_t data[] = {0x12, 0x34, 0x56};
auto calculated_crc = your_crc_name::calc(data, sizeof(data));
printf("calculated_crc = 0x%02X\n", calculated_crc);
// and access the underlying lookup table for your CRC function
auto &crc_table = your_crc_name::table();