
Bayesian re-analysis of the Waalkes mouse lung tumor data.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



A Jupyter Notebook project that lays out a reanalysis of lung tumor incidence data in mice exposed to inorganic arsenic.

Clicking on the .ipynb file in Github will automatically perform the analyses and layout the report.

You can also download the .ipynb file and use the Jupyter notebook and the IRKernel to render the notebook.


There are no requirements if you click on the link for the .ipynb file in Github.

If you want to render this file on your own computer you must have Jupyter installed (Anaconda is the easiest way) as well as R. You will also need to install [Stan] (https://github.com/stan-dev/rstan/wiki/RStan-Getting-Started).

R packages required for this .ipynb:

  1. ggplot2
  2. rstan


Use the Issues tab in Github for this project.