
Wrapper around the functionality of "jsonwebtoken" to easily set and validate JWT tokens via http cookies

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Wrapper around the functionality of jsonwebtoken to easily set and validate JWT tokens in express requests/responses


1) Configuration

const jwtInCookie = require("jwt-in-cookie");
jwtInCookie.configure({secret: 'MY_SECRET'});

2) Setting JWT in request-cookie

function (req, res) {
    jwtInCookie.setJwtToken(res, data);

3) Validating JWT in response

function (req, res) {

4) Clear JWT token on user-logout

function (req, res) {



config object literal

Configures the instance of jwt-in-cookie

Return: void

  • secret: string (required), secret to be used to sign the JWT

    Eg: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

  • timeoutDuration: string, length of time before signed data expires

    Eg: "2 hours", "1d", "20h", 60

jwtInCookie.setJwtToken(res, payload, cookieOptions)

Adds payload as a token in the response cookie using configured secret & options

Return: string, token of payload

res express response object

payload object

cookieOptions object, options that set in the cookie

  • httpOnly: boolean, javascript can't access the cookie
  • expires: number, time until the cookie expires (if 0, will expire at end of session)


Clears the jwt token from the response

Return: void

res express response object


Returns decoded token if request contains a valid JWT in its cookie (must be preceded by jwtInCookie.configure)

Return: object

req express request object


Encodes payload using configured secret & options

Return: encoded payload

payload object


Retrieves decoded token from the input request's cookie (must be preceded by jwtInCookie.configure)

Return: decoded token

req express request object