- 6
Scene attribute issue
#258 opened by INFGameDev - 4
- 1
Constant errors with conditional field
#224 opened by AylanJ123 - 2
[Feature Request] Integrate mob-sakai/UnityEventDrawerEx instead of CollapsableEventDrawer.cs
#256 opened by TheXRMonk - 2
Convert Enums to Flags directly
#255 opened by Nom-ali - 9
[ButtonMethod] not work in list item
#231 opened by CharlieDreemur - 0
Foldout doesn't work properly in child classes
#251 opened by SegFaultGitHub - 1
- 4
DefinedValues w. method is null
#249 opened by Exa644 - 1
MyEditorAudio.cs not found.
#247 opened by NK-Studio - 1
- 5
"No GUI Implemented" when using a UIElement Property Drawer with Default Inspector.
#244 opened by EmreDogann - 2
- 0
Suggestion: Help boxes
#241 opened by JackSinkoRB - 3
ConditionalFieldAttribute is rather slow
#240 opened by SmikeSix - 3
ConditionalField on UnityEvent<> makes the inspector layout doesn't work properly
#215 opened by Alex907795990 - 1
- 1
- 3
Passing a List or Array to DefinedValues
#235 opened by Vedrina - 4
- 1
Feature request: Fixed collections size in inspector
#186 opened by HuySora - 1
MustBeAssigned attribute not working
#214 opened by INFGameDev - 5
Enter Play mode being slower after install the package
#225 opened by bab202 - 1
Release with .unitypackage
#227 opened by jcs090218 - 1
Naming Conflit
#229 opened by Nom-ali - 3
- 0
Crash in MySerializedProperty
#223 opened by Tommigun1980 - 2
Feature Request: MultiConditionalFields part 2
#220 opened by Tommigun1980 - 1
Feature Request: Serializable Dictionary
#221 opened by AylanJ123 - 0
Suggestion: Conditional field for Foldouts
#219 opened by michelelorusso05 - 2
- 2
- 2
PlayMode startup perfomance issue
#206 opened by Faimen - 1
Getting an error when building my own attribute
#210 opened by carreraSilvio - 1
Hide inherited properties from inspector
#209 opened by FredTA - 2
- 2
Spacing for Conditional Attributes
#213 opened by CaoilainnFW - 2
Error in AutoProperty
#207 opened by MasterDisaster64 - 1
- 0
Suggestion: `HideLabelAttribute`
#205 opened by MianenCZ - 1
ReflectionTypeLoadException error when selecting object with script containing Attribute "ConditionalField"
#203 opened by marcozakaria - 3
- 0
Add UnloadSceneAsync and SetActive to SceneReference
#202 opened by Deadcows - 0
CollapsableEventDrawer creates issues when another editor uses FoldoutHeaders
#201 opened by burakomer - 1
- 2
- 2
[DisplayInspector] folding
#192 opened by Tommigun1980 - 1
IPrepare and prefabs
#196 opened by Garfounkel - 1
- 1
Crash in MySerializedProperty
#191 opened by Tommigun1980