- 11
Bug for exception handler
#30 opened by andy-yu-y - 1
- 2
Docs URL is served even when set to None
#70 opened by jshields - 0
- 1
Add option to deprecate paths
#75 opened by vagosduke - 2
- 3
Maintained Fork Inquiry
#73 opened by TheJumpyWizard - 2
- 1
Router with versioning
#58 opened by itomtom - 1
Additional arguments of FastAPI() not working, such as swagger_ui_parameters or description
#72 opened by PabloRuizCuevas - 2
- 3
Docs showing routes of all versions
#34 opened by thetractor - 1
Support for "latest" version?
#35 opened by c-tanner - 1
- 0
- 2
Versioning in headers
#52 opened by olaf7 - 1
Change naming convention of api version in url
#53 opened by dsouzadyn - 0
Generate the openapi_schema for a specific api version using the app.openapi() method
#62 opened by ddoren - 0
- 0
Add urls with versioning
#60 opened by tommy04062019 - 0
- 0
- 4
- 3
- 1
- 1
- 1
Allow custom versioning format
#18 opened by ansidev - 3
- 0
Problem running examples
#42 opened by patrickelectric - 0
kwargs is not passed to "subapps" constructor in the "version_route_mapping" loop.
#40 opened by CharlesOliveros - 6
FastApi StaticFiles with mount not working
#36 opened by killswitch-GUI - 2
dependency_overrides cannot be used in tests as expected, documentation lacking
#19 opened by languitar - 2
Use functools.wraps for decorator
#11 opened by HacKanCuBa - 2
Type checking
#24 opened by joel314 - 1
Support for Python 3.6+
#5 opened by igorcadelima - 2
- 1
Is there any way to versioning the internal methods like services, db operations, helpers etc
#29 opened by sany2k8 - 1
- 0
app decorators not working
#26 opened by danielbregler - 0
Fix type hint
#9 opened by HacKanCuBa - 0
Transformation-based versioning
#17 opened by languitar - 0
- 3
A comma is missing here.
#3 opened by fabiogrigolosc - 2
Avoid defining own dunder property(s)
#1 opened by prostomarkeloff