
Enable you to debug a running Unity game just like in Unity.

Primary LanguageC#

[Obsoleted] Please use UnityExplorer instead.

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What can it do?

Enable you to inspect a running Unity game just like in Unity.


  • Hierarchy - You can browse all GameObjects in the scene
  • Inspector - You can browse and modify the components of a GameObject
  • Console - You can run C# code runtime, with AutoComplete. Input history will be save, use ↑/↓ to switch.
  • Commands - You can use some pre-defined commands in Console, such as #bind, #unbind...

Screen shots

Preview_Hierarchy Preview_Inspector Preview_ViewMesh Preview_InGameConsole

Quick Start

⭐Auto Inject⭐

Download Auto Injector release.

✅Better Inject Method

  1. Compile and Put "RuntimeInspector.dll", "ICSharpCode.Decompiler.dll" and "Mono.CSharp.dll" into AUnityGame\AUnityGame_Data\Managed Directory ("Humanizer.dll", "System.Collections.Immutable.dll" and "System.Reflection.Metadata.dll" maybe also necessary).
  2. Use SharpMonoInjector to inject. Select "RuntimeInspector.dll", Namespace is also "RuntimeInspector", Class Name is "ViewerCreator", Method Name is "Create".
  3. Run your game, select its process in SharpMonoInjector, then click "inject".

Old Inject Method

  1. Compile and Put "RuntimeInspector.dll", "ICSharpCode.Decompiler.dll" and "Mono.CSharp.dll" into AUnityGame\AUnityGame_Data\Managed Directory ("Humanizer.dll", "System.Collections.Immutable.dll" and "System.Reflection.Metadata.dll" maybe also necessary).
  2. Open Assembly-CSharp.dll with dnspy, remember to make a backup (Most games use this assembly as main dll, some uses other name, youcan find it by yourself)!
  3. Edit a Management-like class such as "Manager", "Game" or "UI", disassemble it and add the "RuntimeInspector.dll" reference, then add "InGameDebug.ViewerCreator.Create();" in Start() or Awake() method.
  4. Compile and save it. If there's nothing wrong, when you enter the game, three buttons will be displayed above the screen.

Console Commands

All Console Commands starts with #. Nesting is not supported so far, and you can only input 1 command at a time.

  • #bind
    Bind a key to a C# expression.
    Example: #bind(R, Camera.main.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 10f, 0)))
    When you press R key, Camera.main will Ratate.

  • #unbind
    Unbind a key.
    Example: #unbind(R)

  • #listObj [Doing]
    List all GameObjects in the scene to Console.

  • #highlight [Doing]
    Highlight a GameObject in Hierarchy.

  • #inspect [Doing]
    Inspect a GameObject in Inspector.


  1. Why my dnSpy says "You must add a reference to assembly 'UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll'" when compiling?
    Maybe your dnSpy is out of date. Make sure you have completely decompress the whole "Managed" directory, instead of just decompress the "Assembly-CSharp.dll".

  2. Why my game crashes after inject this dll?
    Make sure to use the correct version. You can open "mscorlib.dll" with dnSpy. You should use "Android-mscorlib-" if its version is, otherwise you can use master branch. Another possibility is that there are some kind of anti-injection mechanism in the game.

  3. Is it capable for il2cpp-backend games?


  • master:

    Using .NET Framework 4.5. It depends on mscorlib But cannot running on Android.

  • Android-mscorlib-

    Using .NET Framework 3.5. It depends on mscorlib As it shows, it can run on Android however Mono.CSharp cannot use any more.