
Repository dedicated to store the exercises made during the Trybe Course

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repository contains all the learning activities developed by Débora Serra as she was a student in Trybe 🚀

"Trybe is a school from the future to anyone who wants to improve their lives and build a successful career in technology, where they only pay when they get a good job."

The program includes more than 1500 hours of live and online classes, and approaches introduction to software development, front-end, back-end, computer science, software engineering, agile methodologies and behavioral skills.

Fundaments of Web Development ✔️

Block 1: Introduction - Unix & Shell
  • 1-3: Unix & Shell - Part 1
  • 1-4: Unix & Shell- Part 2
Block 2: Git & GitHub
  • 2-1: What is it and what is it for?
  • 2-2: Understanding the commands
  • 2-3: Internet - How does it work?
Block 3: Introduction - HTML & CSS
  • 3-1: HTML & CSS - Page structures
  • 3-2: HTML & CSS - First steps in CSS
  • 3-3: HTML & CSS - Positioning selectors
  • 3-4: Semantic HTML
  • 3-5: Project - HTML & CSS
Block 4: Introduction - JavaScript
  • 4-1: JavaScript - First steps
  • 4-2: JavaScript - Array and loop For
  • 4-3: JavaScript - Programming logic and Algorithms
  • 4-4: JavaScript - Objects e function
  • 4-5: Project - Playground Functions
Block 5: Introduction - JavaScript - Projects
Block 6: HTML & CSS advanced
  • 6-1: HTML & CSS - Forms
  • 6-2: JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks CSS
  • 6-3: Introduction - CSS Flexbox
  • 6-3: CSS Flexbox - Part 1
  • 6-4: CSS Flexbox - Part 2
  • 6-5: Responsive CSS - Mobile First
  • 6-6: Project - Trybewarts
Block 7: JavaScript ES6 & Unitary tests
  • 7-1: JavaScript ES6 - let, const, arrow functions and template literals
  • 7-2: JavaScript ES6 - Exception flow and Objects
  • 7-3: First steps in Jest
  • 7-4: Project - JavaScript Unitary tests
Block 8: JavaScript ES6
  • 8-1: Introduction to Higher Order Functions
  • 8-2: JavaScript ES6 - Higher Order Functions - forEach, find, some, every, sort
  • 8-3: JavaScript ES6 - Higher Order Functions - map and filter
  • 8-4: JavaScript ES6 - Higher Order Functions - reduce
  • 8-5: JavaScript ES6 - spread operator, rest parameter, destructuring and more
  • 8-6: Project - Zoo functions
Block 9: Asynchronicity & Callbacks
  • 9-1: Asynchronous JavaScript and Callbacks
  • 9-2: Asynchronous JavaScript - Fetch API and async/await
  • 9-2: Jest - Asynchronous tests
  • 9-3: Project - Shopping cart

Front-end Development ✔️

Block 10: Introduction to React
  • 10-1: Introduction - Front-end
  • 10-1: Introduction - React
  • 10-1: 'Hello, world!' on React!
  • 10-2: React Components
  • 10-3: Project - Solar System
Block 11: State components, events and formulary with React
  • 11-1: Components with estate and events
  • 11-2: Formulary on React
  • 11-3: Project - Tryunfo
Block 12: Life cycle of components and React Router
Block 13: Agile methodologies
Block 14: Automate tests with React Testing Library
  • 14-1: RTL - First steps
  • 14-2: RTL - Mocks and Inputs
  • 14-3: RTL - Testing React Router
  • 14-4: Project - React Tests
Block 15: Managing state with Redux
  • 15-1: Redux Introduction - The global state of the application
  • 15-2: Using Redux on React
  • 15-3: Using Redux on React - Practice
  • 15-4: Using Redux on React - Asynchronous actions
  • 15-5: Tests in React-redux
  • 15-6: Project - Trybe Wallet
Block 16: Project Trivia Game
Block 17: React & Context API
Block 18: Final Project on Front-end

Back-end development ⏳

Block 19: Docker: Using Containers
  • 19-1: Introduction - Back-end
  • 19-1: Using containers - Docker
  • 19-2: Image manipulation and creation on Docker
  • 19-3: Orchestrating containers with Docker Compose
  • 19-4: Project - Docker To-do list
Block 20: Introduction to SQL
  • 20-1: Introduction - Relational Database
  • 20-1: SQL Database
  • 20-2: Finding data in a database
  • 20-3: Filtering data specifically
  • 20-4: Manipulating tables
  • 20-5: Project - All For One
Block 21: SQL functions, JOINs and Normalization
Block 22: Introduction to Web Development with Node.js
  • 22-1: Intro - Node.js
  • 22-1: Node.js - A JavaScript motor
  • 22-2: Node.js - Async flow
  • 22-3: Mocha, Chai and Sinon - Back-end tests with Node.js
  • 22-4: Express - HTTP with Node.js
  • 22-5: Express - Middlewares
  • 22-6: Project - Talker Manager
Block 23: Node,js: Service layer and Rest and Restful Architecture
  • 23-1: Introduction - Software architecture
  • 23-1: Node.js - Model layer and Rest and Restful Architecture
  • 23-2: Software architecture - Controller and Service layer
  • 23-3: Web Architecture - Rest and Restful
  • 23-4: Software architecture - Testing layers
  • 23-5: Project - Store Manager
Block 24: Node.js: ORM and Authentication
  • 24-1: Introduction - Node.js: ORM and Authentication
  • 24-1: ORM - Application interface with database
  • 24-2: ORM - Associations
  • 24-3: JWT - (JSON Web Token)
  • 24.4: Testing APIS with Integration Tests
  • 24-5: Project - Blogs API
Block 25: Deployment
  • 25-1: Introduction - Deploy
  • 25-1: Infrastructure - Deploy with Heroku
  • 25-2: Deploy Docker & Heroku
  • 25-3: Project - Stranger Things
Block 26: TypeScript
  • 26-1: Introduction - TypeScript
  • 26-1: Introduction to TypeScript
  • 26-2: Static Typing and Generics
  • 26-3: Express with TypeScript
  • 26-4: Project - Trybe Smith
Block 27: Object Oriented Programming and SOLID
  • 27-1: Introduction to Object Orientation
  • 27-2: Heritage and interfaces
  • 27-3: Polymorphism
  • 27-4: SOLID - Introduction
  • 27-5: SOLID - Part 2
  • 27-6: Project - Trybers and Dragons
Block 28: Project - TFC - Trybe Football Club
Block 29: Introduction to MongoDB
  • 29-1: Introduction - NoSQL
  • 29-1: MongoDB - Introduction
  • 29-2: Filter Operators
  • 29-3: Search operators
  • 29-4: Simple Updates
  • 29-5: Complex Updates - Arrays
  • 29-6: Project - Commerce
Block 30: MongoDB: Simple and Complexes Updates
  • 30-1: Mongoose and MSC architecture (Model layer)
  • 30-2: Mongoose and MSC architecture (Service and Controller layer)
  • 30-4: Project - Car Shop
Block 31: Project Delivery App
Block 32: MasterClass - VPS, CI/CD
  • 32-1: Day 1 - VPS
  • 32-2: Day 2

Computer Science ⏳

Block 33: Introduction to Python
  • 30-1: Introduction - Computer Science
  • 30-1: Learning Python
  • 30-2: Data Input and Output
  • 30-3: Tests
  • 30-4: Project - Job Insights
Block 34: Project Standards
  • 34-1: OOP in Python
  • 34-2: Patterns - Iterator, Adapter, Strategy
  • 34-3: Patterns - Decorator, Observer, Factory
  • 34-4: Project - Stock Report
Block 35: Networks and Data Scraping
  • 35-1: Networks Architecture, tools and security
  • 35-2: Data Scraping
  • 35-3: Other tools of data scraping
  • 35-4: Project - Tech News
Block 36: Algorithms
  • 36-1: Algorithms Complexity
  • 36-2: Recursion and Problem Solving Strategies
  • 36-3: Sort and search algorithms
  • 36-5: Project - Algorithms
Block 37: Data Structure I: Arrays, Lists, Lines and Stacks
Block 38: Data Structure II: Hashmaps and Sets

The exercises produced during the classes to exercise our programming logic skills are located on the Logic Academy Directory.