A POC of a new “threadless” process injection technique that works by utilizing the concept of DLL Notification Callbacks in local and remote processes.
- 0range-xTencent
- 0xsyr0Security Consultant Company
- aCursedComradeSri Lanka
- BlackSnufkin
- byt3bl33d3rProtectAI
- chr0n1kMacroSec Ltd
- crypt0p3g
- DiB760San Diego
- Exido-Rio
- fatihsnsyBeyond The World
- gamous/dev/urandom
- GerhardBotha97SecurityHQ
- grim3
- gsmith257-cyber@PhantomSecurityGroup
- hckrngnrHacker Engineering
- humansouls302
- icyguiderUnemployed
- Idov31mov eax, [ebp+location]
- iNoSec2
- itaymigdal
- j0nh4t
- jmpoep
- kleiton0x00Austria
- klezVirusBSI CSIR
- Kr0ffCicadaSec
- mfkiwl
- midnqp@Neurelo
- moloch--Hacker / Programmer
- RalphDesmangles
- rhakb
- S3cur3Th1sSh1tr-tec IT Security GmbH
- ScriptIdiotHong Kong
- th3k3ymak3rThe Matrix
- thedeadbyte@inferigang
- veath1
- Yeah9782