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Three questions
#55 opened by zulihit - 0
"IndexError: index out of range in self" when I train on my own knowledge graph. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks a lot!
#57 opened by YoannCheung - 0
Why start = 4
#56 opened by passermyh - 0
How to designate dimension of embeddings
#54 opened by yq-leo - 1
Memory consumption issue
#53 opened by p6jain - 2
GPU Out Of Memory
#38 opened by ms0510k - 0
L3 regularization
#52 opened by yancy826 - 2
- 1
- 1
regarding RELATION CATEGORY in FB15k
#48 opened by seldce - 1
- 1
Regarding the direction of the rotation
#49 opened by seldce - 1
hi,a priblem about multi GPU training
#46 opened by Zhangs996 - 3
N-1 and 1-N relations
#45 opened by Walker-ZD - 1
How to split the train/valid/test
#43 opened by SRL94 - 1
how do you generate the embedding? Is it a random walk or something? I mean what is the main algorithm for embedding.
#42 opened by programmingboy - 1
confused about implementation of DistMult
#41 opened by junkangwu - 1
When I train a more huge dataset by model RotatE, always show the question "CUDA out of memory" ?
#44 opened by Dionysusssss - 3
RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (2000) must match the size of tensor b (1000) at non-singleton dimension 2
#40 opened by jweihe - 0
Pretrained models
#39 opened by Demirrr - 0
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- 0
Code early stop
#32 opened by ToneLi - 0
the early stop when setting the max step
#31 opened by ToneLi - 2
Hi,I want to
#27 opened by Aristomd - 2
Did you just use the first batch to train the model? Can you help me solve my problem?
#29 opened by ToneLi - 6
train error
#28 opened by as3896001 - 1
Reproduce DistMult results
#18 opened by jinxing94 - 2
Loss function of TransE and RotatE in the code
#26 opened by ngl567 - 3
Can't find log files
#25 opened by p6jain - 1
why the ComplEx just get 0.74 Hits10 on FB15k which is lower than paper's 0.84 for 0.1
#20 opened by WQQQQQQQQQQ - 3
invalid syntax error
#24 opened by Bishnukuet - 1
Issue of the evaluation results on WN18RR
#23 opened by ngl567 - 1
RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory.
#22 opened by DonnieZhang586 - 1
About the seed setting.
#21 opened by Zawo1995 - 0
why complEx
#19 opened by WQQQQQQQQQQ - 1
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Some question about the test process.
#15 opened by zysforever - 2
RotatE: this implementation vs GraphVite
#14 opened by AndRossi - 1
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Question about relaxing RotatE
#12 opened by Chen-Cai-OSU - 1
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Question about the embedding range (weight initialization and phase normalization)
#9 opened by tabacof - 6
Script for finding the best hyperparameters
#8 opened by dschaehi - 1