ProSLAM: Programmers SLAM
Contributors: Dominik Schlegel, Mirco Colosi, Giorgio Grisetti
ProSLAM uses the lightning-fast, header-only HBST library for binary descriptor similarity search (loop closing)
Current state:
ProSLAM: KITTI Sequence 00 at 150 Hz
Previous versions:
ProSLAM: Full run KITTI Sequence 00 updated (real-time, 1 thread@2.40GHz/i7-4700MQ)
ProSLAM: Full run KITTI Sequence 00 (real-time, 1 thread@2.40GHz/i7-4700MQ)
ProSLAM: Full run KITTI Sequence 01 (real-time, 1 thread@2.40GHz/i7-4700MQ)
ProSLAM: Full run KITTI Sequence 06 (real-time, 1 thread@3.50GHz/i7-4770K)
ProSLAM: Full run KITTI Sequence 10 (real-time, 1 thread@2.40GHz/i7-4700MQ)
ProSLAM: Full run EuRoC MH_01_easy (real-time, 1 thread@3.50GHz/i7-4770K)
(All of the above are clickable YouTube links)
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (gcc 5) + ROS Indigo / OpenCV2 + Qt4 + g2o (see Note for old version)
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (gcc 5) + ROS Kinetic / OpenCV3 + Qt5 + g2o (current)
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (gcc 7) + OpenCV3 + Qt5 + g2o (current)
The complete SLAM system runs on a single thread (a second thread is launched for optional visualization)
ProSLAM features an extensive parameter configuration on all SLAM layers and 4 different logging levels
install the Ubuntu packages
sudo apt-get install build-essential libeigen3-dev libsuitesparse-dev freeglut3-dev libqglviewer-dev libyaml-cpp-dev
download and install
or (OpenCV + Qt)
- OpenCV3: (Version 3.2.0) - used for FAST detection, BRIEF extraction, visualization
- Qt5: (Version 5.7.0) - used for visualization
download and install the colorful
Catkin Command Line Tools
: (alternatively one can also useROS catkin
):sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools
set the environment variable
to use your own g2o installation - or cloneg2o for catkin
( to your catkin workspace:sudo apt-get install ninja-build git clone
and build it (slow as it will perform a download using unladen swallows):
catkin build g2o_catkin
Note: If one is using a g2o version with the old ownership model (3a740d8 or earlier) the line:
in the root
must be commented for proper compilation.Note: Make sure to copy or link the generated
header file of your g2o build into your g2o include folder (in case of a custom build). -
download this repository to your catkin workspace:
git clone
enter the project directory in your catkin workspace (e.g.
) and fetch the modular SRRG libraries by executing the script:./pull_srrg_packages.bash
then build the project using (
ROS catkin
requires:catkin_make -pkg
instead ofcatkin build
):catkin build srrg_proslam
CMake variables that must be set when building without ROS or to select specific libraries:
-D OpenCV_DIR=/your/path/to/the/opencv/build/folder
-D G2O_ROOT=/your/path/to/the/g2o/root/folder
download the KITTI Sequence 00 to your computer.
launch a terminal in that folder and uncompress the tarball:
tar -xzvf 00.tar.gz
The folder should now contain 4 files (.txt) and 1 folder (.txt.d) plus the tarball 00.tar.gz
run the system directly in the folder (
is used for convenience only, the binary can also be launched normally with./app
):rosrun srrg_proslam app 00.txt -use-gui
Two windows will pop up - "input: images" (OpenCV), "output: map" (OpenGL)
all controls are handled in the "output: map" window -
on the "output: map" window to toggle between automatic processing and stepwise (press[ARROW_UP]
for stepping) mode -
to view the available commands for the "output: map" viewer (Number keys1
) -
to terminate the system prematurely
To see the raw system performance on KITTI simply launch srrg_proslam with the input dataset and the configuration file:
rosrun srrg_proslam app 00.txt -c configuration_kitti.yaml
After a complete run we evaluate the KITTI error statistics
by calling:
rosrun srrg_core srrg_kitti_evaluate_odometry_app -odom trajectory_kitti.txt -gt 00_gt.txt -seq 00.txt
To see the raw system performance on EuRoC simply launch srrg_proslam with the input dataset and the configuration file:
rosrun srrg_proslam app MH_01_easy.txt -c configuration_euroc.yaml
After a complete run we evaluate the EuRoC RMSE
by calling:
rosrun srrg_proslam trajectory_analyzer -tum trajectory_tum.txt -asl state_groundtruth_estimate.csv
The specific configuration files (configuration_kitti.yaml, configuration_euroc.yaml
) can be found in the configurations folder of the ProSLAM project
Rigid stereo RGB:
KITTI Sequence 00
: (2.8GB)KITTI Sequence 01
: (0.7GB)KITTI Sequence 03
: (0.6GB)KITTI Sequence 04
: (0.2GB)KITTI Sequence 06
: (0.7GB)KITTI Sequence 10
: (0.7GB)EuRoC MH_01_easy
(VI-Sensor): (1.3GB)EuRoC MH_05_difficult
(VI-Sensor): (0.8GB)EuRoC V1_01_easy
(VI-Sensor): (1.0GB)
Orazio Run
(Xtion): (4.0GB)
Run procedure remains identical to the one above (only the dataset name has to be adjusted, e.g. 00.txt
becomes MH_01_easy.txt
The ground truth display can be toggled by pressing the Number key 4
in the "output: map" window
The EuRoC sequences generally require image histogram equalization for best performance (option -equalize-histogram/-eh
Dataset conversion utilities are available in the srrg_core package
An example to obtain a converted EuRoC sequence (e.g. MH_01_easy.txt
, using a hardcoded camera calibration) goes as follows:
rosrun srrg_core srrg_message_converter_euroc_app -o MH_01_easy.txt -hard-calibration
Note that the command has to be issued from inside of the ASL folder mav0
On-the-fly raw stereo image processing with custom stereo camera parameters will be supported shortly.
Please use the provided datasets in SRRG format.
The ROS node is currently under development.
Configuration (YAML)
ProSLAM supports regular YAML configuration files, enabling fine-grained adjustment of deep system parameters.
Example configuration files can be found in the configurations
A custom configuration file can be specified as follows:
rosrun srrg_proslam app 00.txt -c configuration.yaml
Off-the-shelf configuration(s) for rigid stereo RGB (e.g. KITTI):
rosrun srrg_proslam app 00.txt -c configuration_kitti.yaml
rosrun srrg_proslam app 00.txt -c configuration_kitti_fast.yaml
Off-the-shelf configuration(s) for RGB-D (e.g. Orazio):
rosrun srrg_proslam app orazio_2016_run.txt -c configuration_xtion.yaml
Open an issue or contact the maintainer (see package.xml)
- 3D viewer issues (Qt) on Ubuntu 18.04? Set the enviroment variable:
and try again
Please cite our most recent article when using the ProSLAM system:
author = {D. Schlegel and M. Colosi and G. Grisetti},
booktitle = {2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
title = {{ProSLAM: Graph SLAM from a Programmer's Perspective}},
year = {2018},
pages = {1-9}
ICRA 2018 'ProSLAM: Graph SLAM from a Programmer's Perspective' (DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2018.8461180)