Dimitrios Effrosynidis, Data Scientist | Ph.D.

My Personal Website Medium LinkedIn Book Summaries

Hey there

Thanks for stopping by! I'm Dimitris, currently living in Athens, Greece. I am passionate about Data Science and I learn every day in this exciting, ever-changing field.

My Tech Stack

Experience Tech Stack
Proficient Python Pandas Numpy Scikit-learn SciPy Sktime PyOD Matplotlib Seaborn Plotly MySQL Jupyter Shap NLTK Anaconda Microsoft Office Google Sheets LaTeX Overleaf Mendeley Trello PyCharm Notion
Novice MLflow Dash Docker Git Apache Airflow AWS Heroku FastAPI Linux Jinja Selenium XFCE
Learning PyTorch Pytest React MongoDB Hugging Face

My Repositories

decentralized-technologies decentralized-technologies decentralized-technologies decentralized-technologies decentralized-technologies decentralized-technologies

My Projects

Title Skills Links
MLOps Lifecycle MLOps, Production, Deployment, MLflow, Airflow, Docker-compose, Git, AWS S3, Anaconda, Scikit-Learn, Feature-Engine, SMOTE
End to End ML Project MLOps, Production, Deployment, Docker, Pytest, Tox, Git, Heroku, FastAPI, Anaconda, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, Feature-Engine
Random Dose of Knowledge Software Development, Web Development, Reddit API, Deployment, Docker, AWS EC2 and ECR, MySQLAlchemy, FastAPI, Anaconda, HTML, CSS, Jinja2, Pandas, Plotly
Statify: an app for interactive visualizations of Spotify statistics Software Development, Spotify API, OOP, Git, Pandas, Plotly, Dash, Flask, Ngrok, HTML, CSS, Heroku
Comparison of Pre-processing Techniques for Twitter Sentiment Analysis NLP, Data Pre-Processing, NLTK, regex, Scientific Research, LaTeX, Overleaf
Feature Selection Methods for Environmental Data Feature Selection, Shap, Pandas, Tableau, Scientific Research, LaTeX, Overleaf
Web Scraping Marine Species Data and Exploratory Data Analysis Web Scraping, Interactive Visualizations, Beautiful Soup, Plotly, Seaborn, Pandas, Scientific Research, LaTeX, Overleaf
Exploratory Data Analysis for the popular Battle Royale game PUBG EDA, Feature Engineering, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn
Emotion Analysis for Movie Reviews Feature Selection, Feature Engineering, Text Pre-Processing, Ensemble Learning, Inter-annotator agreement, Emotion Lexicons, IMDbPy, TF-IDF, Chi-Square
Outlier Detection Algorithms with Hands on examples Outlier Detection, Isolation Forest, Local Outlier Factor, DBSCAN, One Class SVM, Scipy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Seaborn, Plotly
Topic modeling on my watched Movies LDA, TF-IDF, Text Pre-Processing, Wikipedia, regex, Pandas, Scipy, Wordcloud, Gensim, NLTK
Classical Forecasting Methods vs. Machine Learning Time Series Forecasting, Exponential Smoothing, ARIMA, LGB, Random Forest, Linear Regression, Pandas, Numpy, Seaborn, Scikit-Learn, Statsmodels
Clustering Neighborhoods Unsupervised Learning, Clustering, K-Means, Foursquare API, Beautiful Soup, Geocode, Scikit-learn, Folium
10+1 Cross Validation Techniques Visualized Cross Validation, Evaluation, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib