A somewhat easy to build two-layer PCB to controll BLDC-motors with.
The board is designed to have: - USB connection (every computer has a USB port but there are virtually no boards out there that offer a USB connection (without an FTDI in between)) - up to 200W (tested) output power (theoretical -- when ignoring trace resistances -- maximum 900W) - digital Hall-Encoder interface - analog/absolute hall-encoder interface - BEMF measurement for hall-less operation - serial interface to cascade multiple BLDC-drivers over one USB interface - two PWM outputs for RC-servo motors - one connector to attach WS2812b LEDs - a layout that allows somewhat easy manufacturing by placing most parts on one layer (I've once built 15 pieces in 8h by hand soldering)
The board has four power domains: - internal 3.3V -- to power the microcontroller - USB-5V -- can power the internal 3.3V domain; protected from the external 5V domain with a diode thus protecting the USB-host from voltage spikes on the external 5V-domain - external 5V -- can power the internal 3.3V domain; powers the WS2812b LEDs and RC-servo motors
The board utilizes an STM32F401xx processor which is super nice to program, debug and due to its QFN48 footprint super easy to solder by hand -- as long as you have access to a rework station. Software for the uC can be found here: https://github.com/nerdmaennchen/motorcontroller-uc-sw Software for the USB-Host here: https://github.com/nerdmaennchen/motorcontroller-sw