This is a turn-based multiplayer strategy game.
What features Grimfield will have that other strategy games usually don't have?
- Complex industries and buildings
- Usually lot more resources than simple strategy games (citizen, food, wood, stone, gold, coin)
- More siege like, including walls and traps
- Territories and Diplomacies
- AIs and Coop mode
- Passive defenses like towers
- Some terrain modification
- Big tech tree
- Map is generated by server (64x64) and is synchronized for players
- The order of turns is fully randomised
- Building on the map, synchronized with every player
- Every building can have a cost, which are incrementing everytime it's built
- Lobby menu, where every player can see other player's name, status and they can ready.
- Everyone has it's own color
- Unit recruiting from barrack
- Every unit has a recruit cost
- You can produce every resource (citizen, food, wood, stone, gold, coin)
- The resources are stored inside buildings
- Basic in-game wiki book
- ChatBox
- Admin Command Panel for server (for both cases: when the server is built and run by windows console and when is run in editor mode)
- Admin Commands
- 4 type of Units
- Units max movement range is shown and every unit can have a different maximum range.
- Some units have different movement cost for tiles
- Settings for fullscreen mode and overall volume
- Unit disappearance if their upkeep have not been paid
- Unit can destroy buildings if they stand on them for 2 turns
- Unit can attack eachother
(with hurt and attack animations)(in the upcoming version) - Territory (or national border) shown for everybody (however the server never checks if you build inside them or not)
- Unit have the same color in their texture as their owner
The currently used Unity version is 2022.1.10f1
You can find the server program in the Server folder.
The default port is 6112.
To start the server just run the GrimfieldServer.exe
Currently the assets doesn't include the Server Unity Project, but it's very easy to set up one:
Important: If you have the Grimfield Project loaded then you have every scene and settings for the server.
You only need to load Registry and Server scene, but make sure Registry loades first!