- 20
Angular 18 Support
#324 opened by ant-ia - 5
- 2
Recaptcha not always loading
#265 opened by Mashsquare - 0
Chrome Issue: recaptcha Reading cookie in cross-site context will be blocked in future Chrome versions
#323 opened by timothyBrake - 0
Issue with Recaptcha Loading
#318 opened by vkurteva - 0
- 4
What is the recommended way to load recaptcha when site key comes from back-end
#294 opened by vorant94 - 3
- 1
Feature Request Support for WAF
#307 opened by Rossco8 - 1
Add support for Trusted Types
#304 opened by bjarkler - 6
Upgrade to Angular 17?
#310 opened by medbenmakhlouf - 8
RECAPTCHA_V3_SITE_KEY - Token returns null when loading dynamic key with useFactory
#278 opened by lana-white - 3
- 6
Getting accessibility issue using JAWS screen reader when using recaptcha v2 sitekey
#291 opened by harish-byralingaiah - 1
- 2
No way to make v3 invisible
#302 opened by vytautas-pranskunas- - 1
- 2
Standard Angular Standalone app giving NullInjectionError: R3InjectorError error
#309 opened by KyleSmith0905 - 1
Angular v17 Support
#315 opened by arman-g - 2
Invalid site key or not loaded in api.js
#295 opened by xinthose - 0
#300 opened by notzairdev - 10
Angular v16 support
#288 opened by kuncevic - 1
error unit test with standalone component
#286 opened by wfpaisa - 1
ng-recaptcha (v 5.0.0) checkbox is getting uncheck after spins for few seconds
#285 opened by harshgupta007 - 1
ng-recaptcha _502-gateway issue
#287 opened by maniashokkumar - 3
The recaptcha badge persists
#248 opened by migue99angel - 2
Add (loaded) event
#237 opened by yktoo - 1
Issue with invalid sitekey
#271 opened by souravion - 1
Angular v15 dependency upgrade
#275 opened by mineminemine - 1
- 0
How to update style of the error message?
#269 opened by Naografix - 1
Recaptcha v3 badge position as inline?
#267 opened by littlejoe3 - 7
Support for Angular 13
#245 opened by umairhm - 2
Recaptcha loading from a wrong url
#258 opened by pgarzina - 2
- 2
execute not triggering any action or callback when component is included in multiple modules
#239 opened by QuotientColt - 1
ng-recaptcha v3 chrome console issue (samesite)
#266 opened by gundogduhasan - 2
- 2
boot.ts ???
#255 opened by sterichards - 5
error ng-recaptcha angular 11.0.4
#249 opened by anthonyjuarezsolis - 5
Upgrade to Angular 14
#262 opened by AshleyMedway - 5
- 2
What to with the token i recieved?
#240 opened by futurbotconsolidated - 1
ng-recaptcha does not show in angular 10
#236 opened by lebaphi - 3
reCAPTCHA v3 execute always returns null
#233 opened by LucFauvel - 1
ERROR in node_modules/ng-recaptcha/recaptcha/recaptcha.component.d.ts(5,43): error TS1005: ';' expected.
#221 opened by erdenerunl - 1
ng-recaptcha often returns a token in offline mode
#228 opened by hemmoleg - 1
unit testing in recaptcha v3
#231 opened by bonomiandreia - 1
Support of plugin for Angular v12.1.1
#232 opened by Solat-Ali - 7