
Blackbeard - Smart glasses blackjack AI project for Harvard Wearable & Computer Vision Class DGMD E-14 Fall 2021

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Blackbeard - Team Jaqen

Python version Code style: black GitHub contributors License

Team Members:

  • Nicolas Morant aka DevGlitch
  • Huayu (Jack) Tsu aka codejacktsu

Blackbeard logo


Team Jaqen wanted to build Blackbeard, a world class blackjack AI, that trains your ability to play blackjack from a wearable device in real time. The challenges Blackbeard is facing are as follow: object detection, object classification, mathematical probabilities, hand motion recognition, and more.

Disclaimer: The device is intended for academic use or training purposes only. Card counting is not illegal under Federal, State, or Local law.

Project Report


Project Presentation & Demo


Getting Started

Follow the below instructions in order to run Blackbeard on your machine.


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/DevGlitch/jaqen.git
  2. Install any missing packages.
    • We recommend using a conda environment with Python 3.7.
    • Install all the missing packages on your machine
    • On the Raspeberry Pi:
      • Setting up a RTSP feed is needed
        • We used v42lrtspserver with h624
        • Make sure to adjust the settings of the v42lrtspserver
      • Put the mqtt_client.py file on your Pi


  1. Launch on the Raspberry Pi:
   python3 mqtt_client.py
  1. Start Blackbeard on your Desktop:
   python __main__.py

MQTT Message

Count: advantage of player vs house. Higher the count, the more advantage the player has

Opt Action: Optimal action

Bet: Suggested next round's betting amount


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Nicolas Morant - Personal Website & Github

Huayu (Jack) Tsu - Github

Project Link: https://github.com/DevGlitch/jaqen