
Primary LanguagePython

Zau Mobile Manipulator

gazebo_full_sensors rviz_full_sensors

In progress - e6 - multi-modal:

Calibrate multi-modal Mobile Manipulator



  • Zau is a mobile manipulator that comprises a UR5 manipulator arm installed on an AGV mobile platform. The system is equipped with multiple sensors (eye-on-hand camera and an AGV camera a.t.m.). The URDF file is a digital twin of the physical robotic system, which can be employed for both research and development purposes.
  • This repository conduct several experiments (e0 to e5 a.t.m.) to develop methodologies to calibrate the sensors and the base of the UR5 w.r.t. the AGV. The objective is to enhance the precision and accuracy of tasks like grasping and navigation.
  • This calibration process uses ATOM framework (https://github.com/lardemua/atom), a multi-sensor, multi-model calibration tool. As the framework is open-source, a fork of the repository was generated to accommodate alterations in the source code. (https://github.com/lardemua/atom/tree/JorgeFernandes-Git/issue543).

Experiments (more information inside each folder and on issues):

Zau digital twin (eye-on-hand camera and AGV camera):

main_1_1 main_2_1 main_3_1 main_gazebo_1


Clone repository:

cd <path_to_catkin_ws>/src
git clone https://github.com/JorgeFernandes-Git/zau_bot.git
git clone https://bitbucket.org/DataspeedInc/velodyne_simulator -b master
git clone https://github.com/ros-drivers/openni2_camera.git
git clone https://github.com/ros-perception/pointcloud_to_laserscan.git
git clone https://github.com/ros/geometry2.git
git clone https://github.com/ZohebAbai/gazebo_ros_l515

Install packages:

sudo apt install ros-<version>-moveit*
sudo apt install ros-<version>-warehouse-ros*
sudo apt install ros-<version>-joint-trajectory-controller
sudo apt install libignition-common3 libignition-common3-graphics
sudo apt-get install ros-<version>-realsense2-description

Add to .bashrc:

export ROS_BAGS="/home/<username>/bagfiles"
export ATOM_DATASETS="/home/<username>/datasets"


Launch Zau on calibration studio to calibrate (default world):

roslaunch zau_bot_bringup zau_bot_bringup.launch calibration_pattern:=true

Launch teleop:

roslaunch zau_bot_bringup my_teleop.launch

Launch manipulator autonomous movements (default pattern position):

rosrun zau_bot_bringup auto_moves -yaw 3.1

Launch record data for full calibration (two cameras and odometry):

roslaunch e4_dualrgb_record_bag record_sensor_data.launch 

Launch only the calibration studio (to calibrate a different robot):

roslaunch zau_bot_bringup calibration_studio.launch


Teleop movement:


Motion planning (MoveIt):
