
Photorealistic Dynamic Simulation Materials for System Dynamics


MaterialPass (Material Passport) MTP mtlp

Advanced materials not only for Design but also for Simulation

MaterialPass materials as digital catalogs not only hold Physically Based Rendering (PBR) textures/colors (Metal - Roughness) but also hold extra Data/Information like mass, weight, water consumption, etc, and anything we see today (or will see tomorrow) as Psets and Qtos in Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) and other schemas for “simulation” purposes


  1. Material - Materials that are GIS/BIM/PLM/VFX-ready and globally registered once and can be used multiple times
  2. Object - Objects that are GIS/BIM/PLM/VFX-ready and globally registered once and can be used multiple times
  3. Product - Products that are GIS/BIM/PLM/VFX-ready and globally registered once and can be used multiple times
  4. Facility - Facilities that are Smart Cities-ready and globally registered once and can be used multiple times

In this way, we can decouple geometry and semantics

  • Geometry - As we know there are many geometric modeling paradigms, which some are good for geometric visual representation, some for analysis and simulation, etc, so always different geometric modeling paradigms is a significant obstacle in integrating different worlds, for instance, GIS and BIM, or BIM and PLM, or VFX and BIM, so on
  • Semantics - Data/Information/Knowledge Units

This way can solve known challenges because they modeled once globally through the best paradigm for that specific use-case and are ready-to-use in different worlds that can be assembled together (geometry and data/information/knowledge units) like LEGOs

Decoupling Geometry and Semantics - Ehsan Azari


  1. Speed up System Dynamics, Multi-Agent Systems and Circular Economy
  2. Integrating GIS, BIM, PLM, CAD, CAE, CAM, VFX, XR, and other different worlds together
  3. Better focus on Geometry, Optics, Physics, and Perception which will advance some areas like Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence (AI), projects like Kaolin and PyTorch3D


MatrialPass (Material Passport), ProductPass (Product Passport), FacilityPass (Facility Passport)