
A community driven list of useful Scala libraries, frameworks and software.

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Awesome Scala Awesome

A community driven list of useful Scala libraries, frameworks and software. This is not a catalog of all the libraries, just a starting point for your explorations. Inspired by awesome-python. Other amazingly awesome lists can be found in the awesome-awesomeness list.

Also awesome is Scaladex, the searchable, tagged, and centralized index of Scala libraries.

Projects with over 500 stargazers are in bold.


Database access libraries in Scala.


Graphical User Interfaces

Libraries for creation of graphical user interfaces

  • ScalaFX - Scala DSL for creating Graphical User Interfaces that sits on top of JavaFX.

Web Frameworks

Scala frameworks for web development.

  • Analogweb - Tiny, simple, and pluggable web framework in Scala.
  • Chaos ★ 200 ⧗ 9 - A lightweight framework for writing REST services in Scala.
  • Colossus ★ 811 ⧗ 70 - lightweight framework for building high-performance applications in Scala that require non-blocking network I/O.
  • Finatra ★ 1313 ⧗ 0 - A sinatra-inspired web framework for scala, running on top of Finagle.
  • Lift ★ 1022 ⧗ 4 - Secure and powerful full stack web framework (discussion).
  • peregine ★ 10 ⧗ 3 - A simple and async lightweight Scala web framework.
  • Play ★ 8166 ⧗ 0 - Makes it easy to build scalable, fast and real-time web applications with Java & Scala.
  • Reactive ★ 194 ⧗ 10 - FRP and web abstractions, which can be plugged into any web framework (currently only has bindings for Lift).
  • Scalatra ★ 1997 ⧗ 2 - Tiny Scala high-performance, async web framework, inspired by Sinatra.
  • Skinny Framework ★ 570 ⧗ 1 - A full-stack web app framework upon Scalatra for rapid Development in Scala.
  • Socko - An embedded Scala web server powered by Netty networking and Akka processing.
  • Spray ★ 2380 ⧗ 566 - A suite of scala libraries for building and consuming RESTful web services on top of Akka.
  • Unfiltered ★ 642 ⧗ 3 - A modular set of unopinionated primitives for servicing HTTP and WebSocket requests in Scala.
  • Xitrum - An async and clustered Scala web framework and HTTP(S) server fusion on top of Netty, Akka, and Hazelcast.

Reactive Web Frameworks

Scala libraries for Reactive Web development

  • Binding.scala ★ 161 ⧗ 0 - A reactive web framework. It enables you use native XML literal syntax to create reactive DOM nodes, which are able to automatically change whenever the data source changes.
  • Udash - a web framework based on Scala.js with support for property bindings, frontend routing, i18n and much more. It also provides strongly typed client<->server RPC system based on WebSockets.
  • Widok - Reactive web framework for the JVM and Scala.js

Data Binding and Validation

Scala libraries for data binding and validation


Scala libraries for i18n.


Libraries for implementing authentications schemes.


Libraries for implementing authorization strategies.

  • deadbolt-2 ★ 417 ⧗ 10 - A Play 2.x module supporting role-based and proprietary authorization; idiomatic APIs for Scala and Java APIs are provided.


Cryptography and Encryption Libraries.


Libraries for code testing.


Libraries for work with json.


Libraries for work with YAML.


Libraries for serializing and deserializing data for storage or transport.

  • avro-codegen ★ 20 ⧗ 7 - Code generation from avro schemas to serialize/deserialize avro messages, no runtime reflection.
  • Chill ★ 349 ⧗ 0 - Extensions for the Kryo serialization library to ease configuration in systems like Hadoop and Storm.
  • Pickling ★ 776 ⧗ 1 - Fast, customizable, boilerplate-free pickling support.
  • ScalaBuff ★ 209 ⧗ 0 - a Scala Protocol Buffers (protobuf) compiler
  • ScalaPB - A Protocol Buffer generator for Scala.
  • scodec ★ 409 ⧗ 5 - A combinator library for working with binary data.
  • Scrooge - An Apache Thrift code generator for Scala.
  • validation ★ 150 ⧗ 2 - Advanced validation & serialization for JSON, HTML form data, etc, with no reflection at runtime.
  • µPickle - A lightweight serialization library for Scala that works in ScalaJS, allowing transfer of structured data between the JVM and JavaScript.

Science and Data Analysis

Libraries for scientific computing, data analysis and numerical processing.

  • Algebird ★ 1287 ⧗ 0 - Abstract Algebra for Scala.
  • Axle - Spire-based DSL for scientific cloud computing.
  • Breeze ★ 1642 ⧗ 0 - Breeze is a numerical processing library for Scala.
  • Chalk ★ 206 ⧗ 13 - Chalk is a natural language processing library.
  • FACTORIE ★ 426 ⧗ 0 - A toolkit for deployable probabilistic modeling, implemented as a software library in Scala.
  • Figaro ★ 355 ⧗ 0 - Figaro is a probabilistic programming language that supports development of very rich probabilistic models.
  • MGO ★ 13 ⧗ 4 - Modular multi-objective evolutionary algorithm optimization library enforcing immutability.
  • MLLib - Machine Learning framework for Spark
  • ND4S ★ 140 ⧗ 5 - N-Dimensional arrays and linear algebra for Scala with an API similar to Numpy. ND4S is a scala wrapper around ND4J.
  • OpenMOLE - OpenMOLE (Open MOdeL Experiment) is a workflow engine designed to leverage the computing power of distributed execution environments for naturally parallel processes.
  • OscaR - a Scala toolkit for solving Operations Research problems
  • Persist-Units ★ 7 ⧗ 64 - Type check units of measure in Scala.
  • PredictionIO ★ 9446 ⧗ 0 - machine learning server for developers and data scientists. Built on Apache Spark, HBase and Spray
  • Saddle ★ 392 ⧗ 12 - A minimalist port of Pandas to Scala
  • Smile - Statistical Machine Intelligence and Learning Engine. Smile is a fast and comprehensive machine learning system.
  • Spark Notebook ★ 1439 ⧗ 0 - Scalable and stable Scala and Spark focused notebook bridging the gap between JVM and Data Scientists (incl. extendable, typesafe and reactive charts).
  • Spire ★ 983 ⧗ 0 - Powerful new number types and numeric abstractions for Scala.
  • Squants ★ 283 ⧗ 7 - The Scala API for Quantities, Units of Measure and Dimensional Analysis.
  • Zeppelin - Scala and Spark Notebook (like IPython Notebook)

Big Data

  • BIDMach ★ 629 ⧗ 0 - CPU and GPU machine learning library, using JNI for GPU computation.
  • Gearpump ★ 558 ⧗ 1 - Lightweight real-time big data streaming engine
  • GridScale ★ 12 ⧗ 189 - A Scala API for computing clusters and grids.
  • Kafka ★ 3533 ⧗ 0 - Kafka is a message broker project and aims to provide a unified, high-throughput, low-latency platform for handling real-time data feeds.
  • Reactive-kafka ★ 578 ⧗ 0 - Reactive Streams API for Apache Kafka.
  • Scalding ★ 2586 ⧗ 1 - A Scala binding for the Cascading abstraction of Hadoop MapReduce.
  • Scoobi ★ 484 ⧗ 12 - Write type-safe Hadoop programs in idiomatic Scala way
  • Scoozie ★ 66 ⧗ 8 - Scala DSL on top of Oozie XML
  • Scrunch - A Scala wrapper for Apache Crunch which provides a framework for writing, testing, and running MapReduce pipelines.
  • Shadoop ★ 8 ⧗ 329 - A Scala DSL for Hadoop MapReduce.
  • Spark - Lightning fast cluster computing — up to 100x faster than Hadoop for iterative algorithms (memory caching) and up to 10x faster than Hadoop for single-pass MapReduce jobs. Compatible with YARN-enabled Hadoop clusters, can run on Mesos and in stand-alone mode as well.
  • spark-deployer ★ 62 ⧗ 8 - A sbt plugin which helps deploying Apache Spark stand-alone cluster and submitting job on cloud system like AWS EC2.
  • Sparkta ★ 235 ⧗ 5 - Real Time Aggregation based on Spark Streaming.
  • Summingbird ★ 1764 ⧗ 0 - An implementation of the “lambda architecture” as a software abstraction — a single API for Hadoop and Storm.

Image processing and image analysis

2D and 3D image processing and image analysis

Sound processing and music

Functional Reactive Programming

Event streams, signals, observables, etc.

  • Monix ★ 464 ⧗ 0 - Extensions to Scala’s standard library for multi-threading primitives and functional reactive programming. Scala.js compatible.
  • Reactive Collections ★ 2 ⧗ 26 - A library that incorporates event streams and signals with specialized collections called reactive containers, and expresses concurrency using isolates and channels.
  • RxScala ★ 505 ⧗ 0 - Reactive Extensions for Scala – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences
  • scala.frp ★ 18 ⧗ 72 - Functional Reactive Programming for Scala (event streams).
  • Scala.Rx ★ 684 ⧗ 6 - An experimental library for Functional Reactive Programming in Scala (reactive variables). Scala.js compatible.
  • SynapseGrid ★ 90 ⧗ 91 - an FRP framework for constructing reactive real-time immutable data flow systems. It implements an original way of running and organizing event-driven systems based on Petri nets. The topology can be viewed as a .dot graph. The library is compatible with Akka and can seamlessly communicate with other actors.
  • Vertx.io - A polyglot reactive application platform for the JVM which aims to be an alternative to node.js. Its concurrency model resembles actors. It supports Scala, Clojure, Java, Javascript, Ruby, Groovy and Python.

Modularization and Dependency Injection

Modularization of applications, dependency injection, etc.

Distributed Systems

Libraries and frameworks for writing distributed applications.

  • Akka - A toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant event-driven applications.
  • Akka-tracing ★ 212 ⧗ 0 - A distributed tracing extension for Akka. Provides integration with Play framework, Spray and Akka HTTP.
  • Clump - A library for expressive and efficient service composition
  • CurioDB ★ 424 ⧗ 2 - Distributed & Persistent Redis Clone built with Scala & Akka.
  • Finagle - An extensible, protocol-agnostic RPC system designed for high performance and concurrency.
  • Glokka ★ 46 ⧗ 29 - Library to register and lookup actors by names in an Akka cluster.
  • Lagom - Framework for creating microservice-based systems.


Scala extensions.

  • Ammonite-Ops - Safe, easy, filesystem operations in Scala as convenient as in the Bash shell.
  • better-files ★ 580 ⧗ 0 - Simple, safe and intuitive Scala I/O. better-files is a dependency-free pragmatic thin Scala wrapper around Java NIO.
  • Cassovary ★ 837 ⧗ 1 - A Scala library that is designed from the ground up for space efficiency, handling graphs with billions of nodes and edges.
  • cats ★ 3 ⧗ 9 - Lightweight, modular, and extensible library for functional programming.
  • Each ★ 94 ⧗ 11 - A macro library that converts native imperative syntax to Scalaz's monadic expressions.
  • enableIf.scala ★ 26 ⧗ 20 - A library that switches Scala code at compile-time, like #if in C/C++.
  • Enumeratum ★ 178 ⧗ 0 - A macro to replace Scala enumerations with a sealed family of case objects. This allows additional checks for the compiler, e.g. for missing cases in a match statement. Has additinal support for Json libraries and the Play framework.
  • Hamsters ★ 99 ⧗ 8 - A mini Scala utility library. Compatible with functional programming beginners. Featuring validation, monad transformers, HLists, Union types.
  • Lamma ★ 57 ⧗ 1 - A Scala date library for date and schedule generation.
  • Log4s - Fast, Scala-friendly logging bindings on top of SLF4J. Uses macros for extreme performance.
  • Monocle ★ 600 ⧗ 0 - An Optics/Lens library for purely functional manipulation of immutable objects.
  • Persist-Logging ★ 21 ⧗ 5 - Comprehensive logging library for Scala.
  • Quicklens ★ 194 ⧗ 2 - modify deeply nested case class fields with an elegant API
  • Rapture (repo) - a collection of libraries for common, everyday programming tasks (I/O, JSON, i18n, etc.)
  • refined ★ 293 ⧗ 2 - Simple refinement types with compile- and runtime checking
  • Resolvable ★ 31 ⧗ 63 - A library to optimize fetching immutable data structures from several endpoints in several formats.
  • Scala Async ★ 680 ⧗ 8 - An asynchronous programming facility for Scala.
  • Scala Blitz - A library to speed up Scala collection operations by removing runtime overheads during compilation, and a custom data-parallel operation runtime.
  • Scala Graph - A Scala library with basic graph functionality that seamlessly fits into the Scala standard collections library.
  • scala.meta - A clean-room implementation of a metaprogramming toolkit for Scala.
  • Scalactic - Small library of utilities related to quality that helps keeping code clear and correct.
  • Scalaz ★ 2649 ⧗ 0 - An extension to the core Scala library for functional programming.
  • Shapeless ★ 1654 ⧗ 0 - A type class and dependent type based generic programming library for Scala.
  • Stateless Future ★ 142 ⧗ 6 - Asynchronous programming in fully featured Scala syntax.
  • Twitter Util ★ 1593 ⧗ 2 - General-purpose Scala libraries, including a future implementation and other concurrency tools.


Projects that don't fit into any specific category.


Scala libraries and wrappers for Android development.


Scala libraries and wrappers for HTTP clients.

Semantic Web

Scala libraries for interactions with the Web of Data, and other RDF tools.

Metrics and Monitoring

Scala libraries for gathering metrics and monitoring applications.

  • Kamon - Gathering metrics from applications built with Akka, Spray and Play! with support for user metrics as well.


Scala libraries for creating parsers.

Sbt plugins

Sbt plugins to make your life easier.


XML and HTML generation and processing

Learning Scala

Nice books, blogs and other resources to learn Scala


JavaScript generation and interop libraries.



Your contributions are always welcome! Please submit a pull request or create an issue to add a new framework, library or software to the list. Do not submit a project that hasn’t been updated in the past 6 months or is not awesome.