
squidGuard extension to sameersbn/docker-squid

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Introduction Build Status

this image is an squidGuard addition to sameersbn/docker-squid. I find squidGuard very useful to limit access to certain internet pages and to reduce the risk for downloading dangerous software. A central filtering solution is preferred especially if you have a family with children and different devices.

new: You can run this container with own white- and blacklists or with public available lists from an external source. Recommended blacklists are provided by shallalist - with some license restrictions especially for commercial use.

**new: You can combine this Container extremely simple with sebp/elk. Just follow the instructions in muenchhausen/docker-squidguard-elk!


Sample 1: black- and whitelists from shallalist

create a docker-compose.yml file

  image: muenchhausen/docker-squidguard:latest
    - UPDATE_BLACKLIST_URL=http://www.shallalist.de/Downloads/shallalist.tar.gz
    - "3128:3128"
    - "80:80"
    - 3128
    - 80

Setting the env Variable UPDATE_BLACKLIST_URL, the configuration in folder sample-config-blacklist will be used. Otherwise the sample-config-simple is used. In practice you need to configure your own black- and whitelists - see the next sample.

Sample 2: own whitelists

create a docker-compose.yml file:

  image: muenchhausen/docker-squidguard:latest
    - SQUID_CONFIG_SOURCE=/custom-config
    - SQUID_UID=1000          # only required if MAC OS is used: UserID for user proxy
    - "3128:3128"
    - "80:80"
    - 3128
    - 80
    - /Users/derk/myconfig:/custom-config     # please set here your PATH to your config folder!

See this docker-compose.yml file for all possible settings.

create a squidGuard.conf file in your local myconfig directory

dbhome /var/lib/squidguard/db
logdir /var/log/squidguard

dest mywhite {
        domainlist      /custom-config/whiteDomains
        urllist         /custom-config/whiteUrls

acl {
        default {
                pass    mywhite	none
                redirect http://localhost/block.html

create a whiteDomains file in your local myconfig directory


create a whiteUrls file in your local myconfig directory


Sample 3: own blacklists combined with shallalist

see muenchhausen/docker-squidguard-elk !

Run and Test it!

  • enter the directory where your docker-compose.yml file is located and run simply
docker-compose stop && docker-compose rm -f && docker-compose build && docker-compose up --force-recreate
  • open a second bash, run e.g.: curl --proxy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

  • test a blocked domain from the adv blacklist. This is blocked if UPDATE_BLACKLIST_URL is used: curl --proxy http://www.linkadd.de

  • test it in your Browser: Set docker host IP and port 3128 in your proxy settings or operating system proxy configuration.

  • if you decided for the WPAD autoproxy variant, just do now a DHCP release and you get your proxy settings :)


Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol (WPAD)

This image includes also automatic proxy discovery based on WPAD and DHCP. The included Webserver serves wpad.dat.

add the following to your docker-compose.yml file

    - WPAD_IP=

To use WPAD, add a cusom-proxy-server option 252 to your DHCP server. Use "http://${WPAD_IP}/wpad.dat" e.g. "" as your option value. See squidGuard Wiki for further details.

You can add these settings also to your compose file -

The default WPAD settings are the following:

function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
	if (isInNet(host, "{{WPAD_NOPROXY_NET}}", "{{WPAD_NOPROXY_MASK}}"))
		return "DIRECT";
		return "PROXY {{WPAD_IP}}:3128";

You can put your custom wpad.dat file to your mapped config folder.

The standard message for a blocked page is

This URL was blocked by your docker-squidguard!

You can modify this, if you place your custom block.html file to your mapped config folder.

recommended documentation

For Squid basis configuration, please refer to the documentation of sameersbn/docker-squid.

A simple documentation of how to configure squidGuard blacklists can be found in the squidGuard configuration documentation.

run it without docker-compose

it is of course possible to run the container also without docker-compose - e.g.:

docker run --name='squidguard' -it --env UPDATE_BLACKLIST_URL=http://www.shallalist.de/Downloads/shallalist.tar.gz --env WPAD_IP= --env WPAD_NOPROXY_NET= --env WPAD_NOPROXY_MASK= --rm -p 3128:3128 -p 80:80 muenchhausen/docker-squidguard:latest

Shell Access

For debugging and maintenance purposes you may want access the containers shell. Either add after the run command or tun e.g.

docker exec -it dockersquidguard_squidguard_1 bash

Autostart the container

add the parameter --restart=always to your docker run command.