
Material You for Gnome and GTK4 and GTK3

Primary LanguageCSS


Material Design 3 offers a new color system that allows for more flexible and dynamic use of color. The new system includes a wider range of colors, as well as a range of tints and shades that can be used to create subtle variations in color.


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/DimitrisMilonopoulos/mitsugen.git
  1. Checkout to directory:
cd mitsugen
  1. Install required assets for the project:
chmod +x install.sh
  1. Assuming you already have Poetry installed:
poetry install

Templates included

  • Gnome shell
  • GTK4
  • GTK3
  • VSCODE custom CSS
  • Obisidian Adwaita theme (Requires Adwaita theme)
  • Vivaldi theme
  • BetterDiscord theme
  • Spotify theme
  • Any other theme you want me to add



  1. Put the assets in the assets folder in the config.ini specified dirs. (Will create an installation script in the foreseeable future)

  2. Update the example/templates/config.ini with your paths

  3. Execute the following command and enjoy your new theme 😄 UI option

poetry run python src/main.py --ui

For dark theme:

poetry run python src/main.py --wallpaper <wallpaper_path>

For light theme:

poetry run python src/main.py --wallpaper <wallpaper_path> -l
  1. For adaptive folder icons make sure to install Papirus Folders and have papirus on your .local/share/icons folder. Otherwise you will need admin permissions.



Obisidian Dark

Obsidian Light

Gnome Theming Dark

Gnome Theming Light

VSCODE themes

Note: need to set the color for the terminal background properly and patch vscode to apply css

  "workbench.colorCustomizations": {
    "terminal.background": "#1f1f1f"


Install Material Discord and apply the script then enable the material you theme from the better Discord theme settings

Special Thanks

Common issues

User themes command error

Run this:

sudo cp $HOME/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/user-theme@gnome-shell-extensions.gcampax.github.com/schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.user-theme.gschema.xml /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas && sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas

more info here