
NoVNC client + VNC server packed into a Docker image

Primary LanguageShell


NoVNC client + VNC server packed into a Docker image. Access your host's desktop over the network using a web browser.

Quick start

  1. make sure that DISPLAY environment variable is set:

    echo $DISPLAY

    If the output is empty (eg. you are on remote SSH session), find all available displays:

    echo $(cd /tmp/.X11-unix && for x in X*; do echo ":${x#X}"; break; done)

    From the output log above we have :0 display available. Let's > save it in ~/.profile file (to persist between boot)

    echo "DISPLAY=:0" >> ~/.profile
  2. setup a password for a VNC session

    export PASSWORD="husarion"
  3. adjust the permissions for the X server host

    xhost +local:docker

    To persist the setting between boots, add the new line to ~/.profile file

    echo "xhost +local:docker" >> ~/.profile
  4. run the container in a detached mode

    docker run -d \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -e DISPLAY \
    -e PASSWORD \
    --ipc=host \
    --restart=always \
    --name=remote-desktop \
  5. Open the following URL in your web browser (of course replace IP_ADDR with you own IP/ Husarnet hostname):

  6. Stopping the remote desktop

    docker stop remote-desktop