
The gazebo simulation of RobotX competition

Primary LanguageC++

RobotX Gazebo


This repo is the gazeo simulation of RobotX competition and is based on vmrc



  1. Install dependencies the shellscript will install the gazebo plugins and python pkgs which we need.
$ source dependencies_common.sh
  1. catkin_make
$ cd ~/robotx_gazebo/catkin_ws/
$ catkin_make

Hardware and Model

  • WAM-V
    • Hardware
      • HDL32E LiDAR
      • GPS
      • IMU
      • Front rgb camera * 3 (1280*720)
      • dynamincs and thruster * 2
    • Software
      • p3d (3D Position Interface for Ground Truth)
    • Environment
      • wind
      • wave
  • Tasks Models
    • Ocean
    • Sky
    • sandisland
    • Green, Yellow, Red, Green buoys
    • Light buoys
    • Black buoys with A3, A5, A7
    • Dock with 3 colors and 3 shapes
    • Detect and deliever buoy

How to run the example

Launch the world

the world is about coarse approximation of the RobotX competition area, Sand Island, Honolulu, HI.

$ source environment.sh
$ roslaunch robotx_gazebo sandisland_nctu.launch

Control the WAM-V

there are 3 ways that can control the WAM-V

  1. rostopic pub
$ rostopic pub --once /cmd_drive robotx_gazebo/UsvDrive '{left: 0.5, right: -0.5}'
  1. Keyboard
roslaunch robotx_gazebo usv_keydrive.launch
  1. Joytick
robotx_gazebo usv_diffdrive.launch


  • Add sensors on robot
    please make the xacro file under vmrc/robotx_gazebo/urdf, and include the file in wamv_description/wamv_robotx_nctu.xacro
  • Build the worlds about task
    please save the file under vmrc/robotx_gazebo/worlds and chanege the arg "world" in vmrc/robotx_gazebo/sandisland_nctu.launch
  • Add models or 3D file such like buoys, *.dae ......
    please save the file under vmrc/robotx_gazebo/models
