
An automation tool to install the most popular tools for bug bounty or pentesting.

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Arno - An automation tool to install the most popular tools for bug bounty or pentesting

Recode The Copyright Is Not Make You A Coder

An automation tool to install the most popular tools for bug bounty or pentesting! This will save you 90% of your time when setting up your machine to work.

It already configures all the tools for you to work, you won't need to configure it manually.

Status: Developing ⚠️

Tool updates every linux directory and all dependencies needed to work

  • tor, argparse, pyrit, requests, proxychains4, aptitude, Seclists, synaptic, brave, hashcat, docker.io etc...


Script to install the most popular tools used when looking for vulnerabilities for a Bug bounty or Pentest bounty program.


Example Usage:
./install [-f] [-l] [tool] [-h]

  Arno is a based script for automatize installation

  General options

Operating Systems Supported

OS Supported Easy Install Tested
Ubuntu Yes Yes Ubuntu 21.04
Kali Yes Yes Kali 2022.1
Debian No No No
Arch Linux No No No

Tools used - You must need to install these tools to use this script

List1 List2 List3 List4 List5 List6 List7 List8
subfinder sublist3r dnsx assetfinder httpx kxss qsreplace nuclei
dalfox anew notify aquatone urldedupe amass gauplus crlfuzz
uro naabu crobat gobuster gospider waybackurls Dirsearch Xsstrike
Knock Wafninja Bluto Anon-SMS WPSeku Rustscan The-endorser Whatweb
Phoneinfoga Sqlmap-dev Sayhello Twintproject Wpscan Zphisher Parsero SocialFish
Osintgram Massdns Git-dumper Asnlookup Sherlok Unfurl Saycheese Httprobe
Ngrok Wfuzz TheHarvester Brave ParamSpider Gau Takeover Infoga
Anonsurf Gittools Droopescan Pwndb Joomscan Sslyze Sslscan Hakrawler
A2SV Twitter-info Ffuf Feroxbuster KiteRunner Metagoofil Seeker Pyrit
Webscreenshot Unimap Ufw Testssl Subjs Subjack Soxy Sn0int
Shuffledns Scrying S3Scanner Puredns phantomjs OpenRedireX meg medusa
masscan leaky-paths LinkFinder jaeles interactsh Interlace http2smugl Gxss
gron gowitness gorgo gitsubdomains gitendpoints Gf-Patterns getJS Findomain
fff exclude-cdn ERLPopper dnsvalidator dnsrecon dnsgen DNSCewl DirDar
concurl commix cngo CrackMapExec haktrails Corsy burl katana
tlsx asnmap PwnedOrNot Ghunt EmailHarvester Emailfinder Gitdumper Gitdumper
Cf-check Dnspython Dnspython SecLists Janmasarik pyosint DockerRegistryGrabber MHDDoS
Elpscrk fsociety Liffy HostHunter Poetry Ctfr holehe h8mail
Chaos-client Cent page-fetch jg hcxtools zmap arjun maigret
pipx aiodnsbrute typhoeus ppfuzz

Full installation

cURL, Recommends installing in root mode

curl -sL https://github.com/DonatoReis/arno/raw/main/install.sh | sudo bash

Installation mode with git clone

git clone https://github.com/DonatoReis/arno
sudo arno/install.sh

Tools Recon DNS

Dnsx:         | https://github.com/projectdiscovery/dnsx
Massdns:      | https://github.com/blechschmidt/massdns
Shuffledns:   | https://github.com/projectdiscovery/shuffledns
Dnspython:    | https://github.com/rthalley/dnspython
Aiodnsbrute:  | https://github.com/blark/aiodnsbrute
Puredns:      | https://github.com/d3mondev/puredns
Dnsvalidator: | https://github.com/vortexau/dnsvalidator
DnsRecon:     | https://github.com/darkoperator/dnsrecon
Dnsgen:       | https://github.com/ProjectAnte/dnsgen
DNSCewl:      | https://github.com/codingo/DNSCewl

Tools Recon Domains

Amass:             | https://github.com/OWASP/Amass
Subfinder:         | https://github.com/projectdiscovery/subfinder
Sublist3r:         | https://github.com/aboul3la/Sublist3r
Findomain:         | https://github.com/Findomain/Findomain
Github-subdomains: | https://github.com/gwen001/github-subdomains
Sonarsearch:       | https://github.com/cgboal/sonarsearch/
Feroxbuster:       | https://github.com/epi052/feroxbuster
Pyosint:           | https://github.com/d8rkmind/Pyosint

Tools Recon Urls

Katana:      | https://github.com/projectdiscovery/katana
Gau:         | https://github.com/lc/gau
Gauplus:     | https://github.com/bp0lr/gauplus
WaybackUrls: | https://github.com/tomnomnom/waybackurls

Warning: This code was originally created for personal use, it generates a substantial amount of traffic, please use with caution.